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for Petition Against Plagiarism

3/18/2022 c1 LilyEvans005
I vow never to plagiarize another author's work. I belive the rats that plagiarize deserve to to the locked in a room and have to do the homework of all the all authors they plagiarized and go mad due to all the exccess maths and Science they had to do .
2/19/2022 c1 Coralsea
I vow to never plagiarize another author's work. I also believe that Rats who do plagiarize deserve to be locked in a room or stranded on an island with no food or water and be forced to do math problems for the rest of the eternity.
9/5/2018 c1 God
I vow never to plagiarize another author's work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to be bludgeoned by a hardcover 18-point type Bible.


Geezus Kryst
5/2/2016 c1 Herr Mach - Der Azur Ritter
I vow never to plagiarize another author's work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize should fuck themselves with railroad spikes wrapped in barbed wire. Hard.


10/13/2015 c1 Powerupz77
I vow never to plagiarize another author's work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to be forced to copy out the entire work in question on a thin layer of wafer in chocolate icing, then give the confectionary to the author of said work.

7/3/2015 c1 beeswaxsmith
I vow never to plagiarize another author's work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to eat dog poop and are thrown onto an island with nothing to eat, excluding their least favorite food.


You wrote this wonderfully! I couldn't have done better myself. Really helps express my anger at plagiarizers.
3/3/2015 c1 ScribingSarah
I vow to never plagiarize another author's work. I also believe that Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to be forced to read and re-enact 50 Shades of Grey as that one person who is constantly beaten by that one Grey dude for his sick fantasies.

10/30/2014 c1 augmentedDREAMS
I vow never to plagiarize another author's work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to be nibbled on by real rats and end up becoming their dinner.


10/14/2014 c1 2BellaEzrebetFang
I vow never to plagiarize another author's work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize should be called out on the internet as a plagiarist. I mean...I don't entirely know what they deserve. Honestly, it is just a very sad thing when I hear about plagiarists. As a serious writer, I couldn't begin to understand how someone could do this.
8/5/2014 c1 7TheHungryCaterpillar
I vow to never plagiarize.
Creative writing comes from the heart of an author, not just the mind. If you steal their work, your stealing more than just their words... your stealing characters that they have daydreamed about for years, plot lines they have struggled over and dialogue that they have had to write/rewrite so it can sound natural and relate to their readers. Writing is hard, and it is stressful at times. If you plagiarize, you are a cheap piece of dirt in a whole beach of beautiful sand that are the true writers.
ps. If your plagiarizing to make money off of us writers. Think about how long that will last you...you can't write. You know that, and I know that you know that. You'll never make it in the real world babes.
2/6/2014 c1 27Soetopo
I vow to never plagiarize another author's work. And for the rats, they need to be arrested. *insert Rorschach voice here* NO! Men((or women in this case)) go to jail. Rats get butchered.


12/28/2013 c1 22The Beautiful Filth
I vow never to plagiarize another author's work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to be kicked out of all sites that grant us the chance to post things online and improve our writing.

The Beautiful Filth

[This is probably the best thing about anti-plagiarism I've ever read. I'm fortunate enough to not have been plagiarized before, and I've always made a point in citing references when I use them. Thanks for raising concern on this serious issue.]
12/22/2013 c1 Scansion
This is too kindly for me to put off participation
I vow never to plagiarize another author's work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to have their own howsoever miniscule abilities of invention rapidly deteriorate and go on to deteriorate for all time that anon they are left with an obvious shame as a brand to their face, thus make for easy culling.
Writers are awesome *high-fives resoundingly*
11/22/2013 c1 3claritylong
I vow never to plagiarize another author's work I also believe the Rats who do plagiarize deserve to be put in the hunger games!


11/22/2013 c1 An Imaginative Mind
I vow never to plagiarize another author's work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve 'to be attacked by angry writers daemons that exist in every angry writer that ever existed in the history if the world and then to eventually wither away in their own pen ink from their own shame and be washed out by the flood of real fiction never to be heard from again.'


Michaela, An Imaginative Mind.
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