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for Petition Against Plagiarism

6/4/2009 c1 7x.betweenthelines
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, should learn how to write THEIR OWN stories instead of ripping off other people's work that they have been working on for ages!


6/4/2009 c1 1Demeterr
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve insert what you would like to do to them here



Yay to making this, I sincerely hope those great writers don't quit their work ._. it's always a shame to see them go away. Partially recently where all of them seemed to be leaving fictionpress - but I don't blame them due to the whole plagiarizing issue.
6/4/2009 c1 4MaPluie
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize should be cursed and have a permanent disability to read and to write and to use the internet.


6/4/2009 c1 heavengurl899
I, heavengurl899 (Leena), vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to be punished under criminal law for claiming ownership to something which is clearly not theirs.



It is a crime to plagiarize. I don't understand why people ignore that it is. Anyways, I don't think fictionpress needs anymore wonderful authors leaving their site. Please do something about this.
6/4/2009 c1 AccAbandoned
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve something mush more heinous than what my imagination could ever conceive.



- There are few things in this world that can so thouroughly - and quickly - tick me off, plagiarism is on this list. Its not a joke, its not funny and it sure as hell isn't flattering. Its a crime.
6/4/2009 c1 alexis-wen
I vow never to plagiarize another author's work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to have their eyeballs dug out, hands cut off tongues tied and ears burnt off. This will effectively deter them from committing any future acts of plagiarism.


Alexis Wen
6/4/2009 c1 choco-fudge
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, should be sent to outer space and be forced to write their own stories so they can come back to Earth and for once, post their own stories.


choco-fudge (steffi)

To all the authors who have been plagiarized: I'm sorry for what happened, you do not deserve any of this. They're just immature idiots who can't even do things for themselves, the ne who stole your stories, I mean.
6/4/2009 c1 6Lils03
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to re-write the dictionary 10 times by hand. If you like copying other peoples work, why not start with the fundamentals, hum?



I agree whole-heartedly with annoyance over this cause. I love this site, I post on this site and some of the greatest, most inspiring writers are being forced out because of plagiarism. It's a real shame to the writing community and I hope this does something to help.
6/4/2009 c1 1A.S. Lewis
I vow never to plagiarize any author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize deserve to experience all the levels of Dante's Inferno first hand, multiple amount of times, quite possibly daily.


Antoinette James
6/4/2009 c1 2Bookstalker
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to be Nazi-handled by the authors of the original story. (I know this isn't funny but whatever)


6/4/2009 c1 fairy Eva
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, will be beaten down by Karma, who will come and kick them in the tushies... possibly in the form of, but not limited to, a large weiner-shaped automobile and they will be forever haunted by the Oscar Meyer jingle.


fairy Eva

PS. It's a real shame that there are such douche-y people on this site. I mean really, authors post here on FP to get feedback from others who share a love for literature and reading and creating. To have someone rip off your work is the lowest, scuziest thing that one person can do to another here. A lot of really good writers have stopped posting on this site, and more will likely follow suit if the plagiarizers continue with their illegal shenanigans. So STOP IT DOUCHEBAGS. You've ruined a wonderful story-sharing community with your garbage. Now we might never know how some truly fantastical stories are going to end. Thanks a lot.
6/4/2009 c1 helloxhorse
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to have their toe nails pulled off with a rusty plyers. :]



No no no! :( favorite authors come backk!
6/4/2009 c1 1Icyglaze
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to be sued. Maybe that way they'll think before copying someone else's work.



I am extremely sad to see so many fantastic stories removed due to the insane amount of plagiarism. I've read stories from pretty much all the FP authors who have been plagiarized and they definitely don't deserve this kind of treatment. The only thing I'm happy about is that a lot of them are now considering publishing more than before. This means hard copies of the stories that I love oh so much! Yay!
6/4/2009 c1 1rachel cantante
I promise to never ever plagiarize anyone in my entire existence. Plagiarizers are pathetic lowlifes who crave attention and get said attention to any means possible, including stealing non-lowlifes' works and taking the credit for it. Fictionpress and Fanfiction need to find better ways to prevent this from happening punish the plagiarizers currently in action. I suggest a program that can read a chapter and see if it closely matches up to anything else submitted to the sight, much like the programs schools use, such as

Yours truly,

rachel cantante
6/4/2009 c1 FieryRinglets
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work or copy them into a document. I also believe that the inconsiderate Rats who do plagiarize, deserve putrefying diseases. I really don't understand how they could even defend plagiarisim as flattering. Mind boggling.


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