6/4/2009 c1 2MiZZ SaHurr
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to be ‘isolated from the rest of humanity, and abandoned on a horrible island where, due to lack of anything better to do, they plagiarize one another’s work, eventually go mad, and rip each other into pieces’
MiZZ SaHurr
I agree, plagiarism is ridiculous. About 3 or 4 of my favorite authors have left in this week itself. Because of all of this plagiarism crap going around, it makes me not want to even consider posting my writing on here:(
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to be ‘isolated from the rest of humanity, and abandoned on a horrible island where, due to lack of anything better to do, they plagiarize one another’s work, eventually go mad, and rip each other into pieces’
MiZZ SaHurr
I agree, plagiarism is ridiculous. About 3 or 4 of my favorite authors have left in this week itself. Because of all of this plagiarism crap going around, it makes me not want to even consider posting my writing on here:(
6/4/2009 c1 5Deena
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to develop severe arthritis in their fingers, thereby rendering them incapable of plagiarizing anyone ever again.
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to develop severe arthritis in their fingers, thereby rendering them incapable of plagiarizing anyone ever again.
6/4/2009 c1 Jixnce
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to be cuffed and forced to sit on a wooden-straight-back-chair with sharp nails and tacks on the seat, while their eyelids are glued to their foreheads and a television in front of them is playing Joe Jonas dancing to Beyonce's "Single Ladies" repeatedly, until the plagiarizer rots to death.
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to be cuffed and forced to sit on a wooden-straight-back-chair with sharp nails and tacks on the seat, while their eyelids are glued to their foreheads and a television in front of them is playing Joe Jonas dancing to Beyonce's "Single Ladies" repeatedly, until the plagiarizer rots to death.
6/4/2009 c1 sne8989
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to get caught plagiarizing in their college/university and get kicked out.
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to get caught plagiarizing in their college/university and get kicked out.
6/4/2009 c1 SetMatchRun
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to be locked in a room with my sisters when they're playing American Idol (It's torture believe me.) But seriously it makes me mad that all the good authors aren't going to post on this site anymore because of plagiarizers.
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to be locked in a room with my sisters when they're playing American Idol (It's torture believe me.) But seriously it makes me mad that all the good authors aren't going to post on this site anymore because of plagiarizers.
6/4/2009 c1 1Chaun
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to be eaten? no thats to soft. They deserved to be locked in room with badly written fiction littered all over the floor. With no windows, and no furniture! Ugh forget I`m not good with punishing people...
It sucks when the 3 authors whose work you read the most, REMOVE their work. Plagiarism sucks a** and I hope it stops one day!
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to be eaten? no thats to soft. They deserved to be locked in room with badly written fiction littered all over the floor. With no windows, and no furniture! Ugh forget I`m not good with punishing people...
It sucks when the 3 authors whose work you read the most, REMOVE their work. Plagiarism sucks a** and I hope it stops one day!
6/4/2009 c1 tomgirl
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work because I understand the work and hardship behind them, and I respect them and their work for that. Plagiarizing is wrong, and I hope the bloody bastards get what's coming to them (preferably jail).
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work because I understand the work and hardship behind them, and I respect them and their work for that. Plagiarizing is wrong, and I hope the bloody bastards get what's coming to them (preferably jail).
6/4/2009 c1 5Sex and Candy
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to be beaten up by extremely angry kangaroos with pink eye
Sex and Candy
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to be beaten up by extremely angry kangaroos with pink eye
Sex and Candy
6/4/2009 c1 heartbreak warfare
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to rot in heck!
Vandy Gurl
- I'm mad that some of my favorite stories have been taken down or the authors stopped writing. Ugh. You're absolutely right though, at this rate, there's going to be no good stories left. Thanks for this =]
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to rot in heck!
Vandy Gurl
- I'm mad that some of my favorite stories have been taken down or the authors stopped writing. Ugh. You're absolutely right though, at this rate, there's going to be no good stories left. Thanks for this =]
6/4/2009 c1 Vici Daily
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to have their fingers cut off so they can never write/copy another thing that had originated from someone else.
I was one of those authors who were going to take down their stories because from fear of people plagiarizing. I now realize how stupid and cowardly I was being and I hope we can ban together and fight for our writings from the rats who believe it is okay to plagiarize someone else's hard work!
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to have their fingers cut off so they can never write/copy another thing that had originated from someone else.
I was one of those authors who were going to take down their stories because from fear of people plagiarizing. I now realize how stupid and cowardly I was being and I hope we can ban together and fight for our writings from the rats who believe it is okay to plagiarize someone else's hard work!
6/4/2009 c1 8mindless-junk-247
I vow to NEVER plagiarize another author's work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize should be locked in a dank cell with nothing but copies of old unwanted stories and scraps of paper to copy them onto for the rest of their lifes, believeing that they have some meanings to their pathetic lives.
I vow to NEVER plagiarize another author's work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize should be locked in a dank cell with nothing but copies of old unwanted stories and scraps of paper to copy them onto for the rest of their lifes, believeing that they have some meanings to their pathetic lives.
6/4/2009 c1 24Ravina
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize should be forced into being slaves for those authors who have been wronged. (I will donate some whips and thumbscrews for that cause.)
My feedback is clearly ranted about in my...um, rant (which, I must add, was not plagiarized from anywhere because I wouldn't enjoy being enslaved).
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize should be forced into being slaves for those authors who have been wronged. (I will donate some whips and thumbscrews for that cause.)
My feedback is clearly ranted about in my...um, rant (which, I must add, was not plagiarized from anywhere because I wouldn't enjoy being enslaved).
6/4/2009 c1 2Captain Koala
Okay, I'll have a go.
I vow NEVER to plagiarize another author's work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to be beaten with their own keyboards, jabbed repeatedly with an electric cattle prod tipped with molten plastic, and then have to swim through a pool of buffalo urine.
Captain Koala.
Okay, I'll have a go.
I vow NEVER to plagiarize another author's work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to be beaten with their own keyboards, jabbed repeatedly with an electric cattle prod tipped with molten plastic, and then have to swim through a pool of buffalo urine.
Captain Koala.
6/4/2009 c1 16Lilith Rei
I agree with you on a lot of the points you made in this. Recently, I've had two or three authors that have taken stories down permanently because of plagiarism, and it's a little frustrating. Especially if it's a story close to the end or one that you've been tracking for a while.
I always keep an eye out while I'm reading stories. If I find one that obvious plagiarism of someone else's story, I promise to alert the author they might have been plagiarized, so they know. If we all look out for each other, maybe we can reduce this problem a little bit, hm? :D
I vow never to plagiarize another author's work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to be banned from any online story writing site on the net.
Lilith Rei
I agree with you on a lot of the points you made in this. Recently, I've had two or three authors that have taken stories down permanently because of plagiarism, and it's a little frustrating. Especially if it's a story close to the end or one that you've been tracking for a while.
I always keep an eye out while I'm reading stories. If I find one that obvious plagiarism of someone else's story, I promise to alert the author they might have been plagiarized, so they know. If we all look out for each other, maybe we can reduce this problem a little bit, hm? :D
I vow never to plagiarize another author's work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize, deserve to be banned from any online story writing site on the net.
Lilith Rei
6/4/2009 c1 fgds dfgsfd gds
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize should be hung upside-down by their toes, covered in flyspray, dunked in a gelatin and concrete mixture, and left to set.
I vow never to plagiarize another author’s work. I also believe that the Rats who do plagiarize should be hung upside-down by their toes, covered in flyspray, dunked in a gelatin and concrete mixture, and left to set.