Just In
for Confessions of a Drink

2/22/2010 c1 1barelyamiable
Oh, bubble tea, how delicious you are. :)

I really liked this. I thought the girl's letter was a little overdone, but in hindsight, I think it was just the right touch! Their interaction at the end, with all the implications, is perfect.
10/22/2009 c1 Elle Winters 9
My favouritest (new word) one of the series. I really like it.
7/5/2009 c1 Airhead
I love it. Very sweet. No confessions said out loud, yet everything very obvious. I love it. I think I said that already. No mistakes spotted, which is awesome. Greatstories you have there, and I think it's pretty awesome there weren't any kissing scenes or whatever that would totally spoil the story.
6/16/2009 c1 iluvwolfy
LOL. a nice start for a great story. plz write soon
6/11/2009 c1 4Blawwmkw
Ah, boba. Tried it once and I thought it was pretty gross, but then I kept taking sips out of my friend's and then saying, "Disgusting!" and then taking another sip a couple minutes later...Those tapioca things or whatever they are are weird! Like, at first you think that they don't taste so bad, then you think, ick! And then you want another one...I don't know. Maybe it's just me. But my other friend who was also trying her first boba decided she didn't like the tapioca stuff, and it was entertaining as heck to watch her attempt to drink it while not getting any tapioca...pretty much impossible.

Anyways, this was really cute. I love all of your stuff...That Andrew guy seems like a rare one, good looking and someone you'd want as your boyfriend, all popular and funny and stuff, and really decent, too. Maybe I'll use Christine's technique if I meet someone like that...

Dang it. I just realized that my school does not have lockers, except for PE lockers, and it would be next to impossible, as well as highly undesirable, for me to sneak into the guy's locker room. Ick.

:) Great story, my friend.
6/11/2009 c1 anonymous
wow, i didn't think you had it in you.

nice work.
6/10/2009 c1 leanna
nice story :] i like the ending haha
6/9/2009 c1 Anonymous
Very intriguing. I loved the vocabulary, haha.
6/9/2009 c1 13BlackShadowWave
One of the my most favorite stories from you.

Plus, the names are so ironic. LOL.
6/9/2009 c1 ribbons-paws
Aw... how cute!
6/9/2009 c1 Hazelnut Romance
cute oneshot!
6/8/2009 c1 23Hypa To Hell And Back
cute but short. you could have made this in to three more chapters instead of keeping it short like that but it was nice
6/8/2009 c1 ashley
so much fluff, any more and i might just die.

just kidding fluff is
6/8/2009 c1 25destinee's notebook
Boba! And much amusing, but sweet. :D
6/8/2009 c1 15Nightingales
yay! i love this story! it made me squeal and stories usaly dont do that! so pleaz keep writing!
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