Just In
for Better to Have Loved

7/9/2009 c3 tainted music
i'm officially in despair. Great chapter though. ;)
7/4/2009 c2 15Slightly Ajar
Again, aw! One comment though: I thought the sexy schoolgirl routine was a little too... idk... confident for Jill, especially since it was going to be her first time, and since she'd just been acting nervous a few minutes before. But that's about all I have to say. And it -was- incredibly sexy! hahaha
7/4/2009 c1 Slightly Ajar
Aw! How cute! It's so fun to imagine a 17-year-old Jill! She showed up a few times in Imagine Me and You, but never this long! I'm glad you decided to make this collection of stories. I was feeling almost depressed that none of the characters would appear again, but I needn't have worried.
7/4/2009 c2 Meee
Aw, they're incredibly cute together! With the reference to Michelle Pfieffer, you've probably seen the new movie with Ashton Kutcher! haha. Maybe not, but she was very hot in that movie. xD
7/3/2009 c2 Fide
Oh god. High school Jill is adorable. Cavity inducing, one might say. Her and McKenzie are adorable together, and McKenzie is pretty awesome all by her lonesome too. Frank's hilarious. I think one of the most interesting parts of this story is seeing Jill's family. It's also kind of sad, especially knowing how things are going to wind up with them.

Well, keep up the good work. I look forward to the next chapter.
6/23/2009 c2 anon
I almost hate that I love your writing so much. I do however hate waiting for updates but it's always more than worth it when they do appear. Great work as always.
6/21/2009 c2 1Youre
Great story so far, looking forward to more.
6/21/2009 c2 Katelyn
A lovely chapter, im wondering why Jill and her first girlfriend McKenzie broke up since they were verydevoted to each other. Can't wait for the next chapter.
6/11/2009 c1 coffeecrazed
too cute for words.

and a pretty good way of coming out, having a girl like mckenzie - funny, spontaneous, unique - the best type of girl!

i want a girlfran too!
6/10/2009 c1 Your Heroin
Aw, well this was a cute addition to Imagine Me And You. I look forward to updates from both this and your other story.
6/10/2009 c1 Rachel
I really like this alot!

So, will this be a short story or possibly pretty long?
6/10/2009 c1 Leanna

That's really cute.

My fiance thinks its really cute as well.

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