Just In
for The Hurricane of My Life

8/25/2010 c27 Artic Wolf
I've been reading this story for a while and it's ok I guess. I have read better stories so compared to this one those stories are best sellers! I'm not trying to be mean or any thing I'm just giving you my own personal opinion. Still do you think you can check out some of my stories?
4/7/2010 c27 2Because I'm So Evil
Uh, wait wasn't Kate supposed to be the sincere Christian girl? Huh. I feel like you kept interweaving that theme in your story, so in the end does Diana become a Christian or continue to laugh it off for no explainable reason? And your story just kind of... ends... You've got potential, but you need work. Mainly your plot is very messy and I fail to see where you're going with it a lot, besides the obvious plot points I'm expecting- even hoping- to happen. I dunno. I'd suggest moving on to other projects as opposed to revising this one. It seems like your grammar is much better, however. Overall, worthy effort!
4/7/2010 c26 Because I'm So Evil
Hooray! She's friends with Kate! And Kate's a genuine Christian! Two for one!
4/7/2010 c25 Because I'm So Evil
This chapter really, really didn't make sense. I thought she didn't know where her mother was. Why see her now of all times? And where's Johnathon who just got crushed by his mother?
4/7/2010 c24 Because I'm So Evil
Um... interesting cliff hanger. I'm slightly confused as to what went on with the walking scene... or if that would have even be possible. Again, moving on.
4/7/2010 c23 Because I'm So Evil
Well, that love sure didn't disappear with much of a fight. :) Eh... moving on...
4/7/2010 c22 Because I'm So Evil
She's in love? Oh, puh-leaze. Hm... This plot needs some serious tweaking...
4/7/2010 c21 Because I'm So Evil
*smacks Diana* Um, when someone is being nice to you, be nice back? Even when they're not, still be nice? Wow, really? That was just annoying. Honestly, what kind of person does that? *stares skeptically at authoress*
4/7/2010 c20 Because I'm So Evil
Uh oh. Try listening to that song again Diana. It might actually teach you something. Actually, just listen to that station. Parties... not the way to go. And totally wrong motivation...
4/7/2010 c19 Because I'm So Evil
E! I loved this! This was awesome! I wonder if you can publish those lyrics though...
4/7/2010 c18 Because I'm So Evil
The coincidence of her jus happening to meet Kate at her house is pretty ridiculous and next to impossible. Really consider revising. The conversation at the end lacking who's talking is also confusing, because some parts sound like Diana would say them but technically Kate would. Anyway, I can't honestly say the more to the story is all that original... I feel like it's needs something a little more. And why they selected her, I'm still hoping to figure out.
4/7/2010 c17 Because I'm So Evil
Two things I consistantly see that are very easy mistakes to fix. First of all, the noun form of live is "life"- not live. And "quiet" is the opposite of loud, not quite- a qualifier. Her reaction to the nurse is ridiculous, I'm not going to lie. Moving on.
4/7/2010 c16 Because I'm So Evil
Stacy's dead? *scowls* I'm not going to lie, that's just horrible. Not a horrible event; totally wrong for this story. And it's completely unlikely. I must admit I'm starting to lose respect. And your beginning was so promising...
4/7/2010 c15 Because I'm So Evil
As a whole, I'm starting to wonder about this whole teen drama thing. And these chapters are simple too short; they're not adequate length. I must say, I'm still reading, Something's got me hooked!
4/7/2010 c14 Because I'm So Evil
*more gulping, followed by cringing*
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