Just In
for Fast Cars and Freedom

5/2/2015 c3 Guest
SERIOUSLY?! So the lucky people who noticed this story before the rest of us get the book for free but the rest of us getting a frigging rip-off! This is really frustrated I LOATHE the people who do this! The first few chapters of this book are awesome and now I feel really let down.
5/2/2015 c3 Guest
SERIOUSLY?! So the lucky people who noticed this book first get it for free but bye rest of us not-so-lucky ones get a teaser 2 chapters?! I'm really frustrated.
5/1/2015 c3 AJ
Going to get this book then :)
5/1/2015 c1 AJ
Doing great with the story. Once I'm done with this virtually, I will look try to buy it in the future.
12/4/2012 c19 witeaya
i feel like her father, phoenix and the other cops were taking the easier way of doing their job by making her involved in this particular stint. especially her dad.
the cops can surely find any oth person but bc she was there so yeah.
10/28/2011 c1 The Imagination Addict
note: "rhyme and reason for" NOT "rhyme and rhythm to"
9/22/2011 c24 Starcrazed
Awesome, i loved it.
8/30/2011 c24 16non.graceful
I think the ending - the epilogue- was disappointing. You could have done something with it- maybe showed us that they're actually still together and going strong? Maybe just a short scene with everybody in it...

It was good story overall and if you went back to edit all the the mistakes in it, it'd be brilliant :)
8/10/2011 c24 1Wanderingreader
Okay...an honest review...

It seems like I'm reading a summary of a story for this Epilogue.

There is something missing with the way you write...But you see, practice makes perfect.
8/10/2011 c5 Wanderingreader
Somehow, I'm having the hard time reading one scene to another. The way you write it confused me, not to mention your choice of words...

Also, there are sentences that you need to put a comma.

The story is fine but you still need to edit this or have a Beta-reader edit your story...Just a suggestion.
6/1/2011 c24 FamishedNight
Awesome story!
7/20/2010 c24 2The Weatherwitch
this was great!

i loved it!

well done :D
4/14/2010 c24 1Christina Elizabeth
It was really good! But some phase were used al lot like "shaking like a leaf". But, that's the only real thing that bothered me. Keep writting!
4/3/2010 c24 4Lady Katreina
Imagine me hugging you.

Thank you so much for this story, it is perfect; everything about it. I think there is nothing to dislike and everything to commend it on. Very cute but deeply cutting; thanks again.
3/19/2010 c24 YixieC
I love this story!

I knew that they have something to do with gangs and mafia in the beginning but you wrote it in such a way that it makes me want to keep reading to confirm it :)

Love your characters, especially Estelle - how she's not girly and is an amazing mechanic :D

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