Just In
for Fast Cars and Freedom

10/8/2009 c16 animegirl214
! oh my~

thanks for the chapter! :D
10/8/2009 c17 animegirl214
aw. poor Estelle.


thanks for so many chapters today! :D :D :D
10/8/2009 c12 1baby-gurl88
more please :) I enjoy the story and want to know how badly the sister is lying :)
8/24/2009 c12 animegirl214
OMG. just when i was thinking of Estelle getting pregnant... Jozlyn does. :O

wow. can't wait till the next chapter(s)! :D :D :D

and THANK YOU SO MUCH for the chapters that u posted! :D :) :D :)

and i kno it's sorta weird to say that I hope your grandfather gets better soon when it's cancer... but i've heard a few situations where a miracle happened and the person got better cuz the tumor?cancer?..something disappeared... so.. yeah. hope a miracle happens and he's better. :]
8/24/2009 c10 animegirl214
oh~ they finally did it! XD

so is Estelle a virgin? and did he use a condom when they did it? or is she on birth control? it'd be very dramatic if she got pregnant and she found out right before he had to leave... :P
8/24/2009 c12 taylor057
Oh poor estelle, her mother/sister are just evil.
8/23/2009 c12 rachelg1988
Wow! I really like this story! You really know a lot about cars and that really is awesome. I have to say this chapter was really fast paced. I really hope that Jozlyn isn't really pregnant and I swear if the baby is Phoenix's I am going to be REALLY upset! Please update soon! I am dying to know what happens next.
8/23/2009 c12 11dreamercrys
WHAT THE HELL! I fucking hate her sister and mother! Why can't they just get in a plane crash on the way home? I mean what kind of mother is happy that her daughter got pregnant at 18 by a certain guy...that is fucked up... They need to disappear forever... I hope that all this gets figured out and I can't believe she would even think that Phoenix would sleep with her sister... I know her sister is lying... Can I have the pleasure of killing her please?
8/23/2009 c9 cakalaka0055
I think this story can go really far. Keep writing, you have natural talent!

update soon!
7/19/2009 c9 dreamercrys
Aww... She is so shy... I hope she comes into her own soon... I hope Phoenix makes her realize how beautiful she truly is on the inside and out... Can't wait for more!
7/19/2009 c9 animegirl214
aw~ :]


are they finally gonna do it? ;P


please update again soon~ :D :D :D
7/14/2009 c8 dreamercrys
God, her sister and mother are still such bitches! Gr... I hope something bad happens to the sister while she is gone to make her ugly or something...muahahaha! Poor girl... She is falling fast and hard... I hope Phoenix decides to stay and not go home...even after the new year... Can't wait for more!
7/14/2009 c8 SUPERTRAMP

that's nice

cant wait to see what happens next
7/2/2009 c7 dreamercrys
Aww... They are so cute... Can I have him? Can't wait to see how they plan to be together but at the same time hide it from everyone in the family... It is going to be a little difficult... I still think she should get her own place and get away from her evil mother and sister... Can't wait for more!
7/2/2009 c7 silvershadow1379
i really like the story so far, I'm looking forward to the next chapter
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