Just In
for Fast Cars and Freedom

6/25/2009 c6 11dreamercrys
Aaw... They are so cute together... I think someone needs to give the mother and Joz a serious kick in the ass... And I think that Estelle needs to get her own place...like and apartment or something so she doesn't have to put up with her sister and mother all the damn time... I can't wait to see how this "thing" between her and Phoenix turns out... Can't wait for more!
6/25/2009 c6 1blondiexoxo
Ah why must u torture me so. Lol. I really like this story and I hope u update soon. I want to know what happens with the mom ands joz now that they know hehehe ;p
6/22/2009 c2 2KamikazeAce
interesting concept but its missing alot of description and valuable information...im reading it wondering what happened it skips too much.
6/22/2009 c5 SUPERTRAMP
Pretty good.

for some reason i dont like

randi though...

but yah good so far.
6/19/2009 c3 1cha2010chi
I see a lot of potential in your story. Keep updating
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