Just In
for Of Dukes and Peasants

6/25/2009 c3 5peaceout
I really like your story so far. I can't wait 'til she throws her shoe at him. Keep up the good work. Update soon please!
6/25/2009 c3 12Miss Moo
J'aime la histoire beaucoup! Il est très fantastique! Plus en plus, s'il vous plait!
6/25/2009 c3 2ijelly
Hey! I like it, your quality of writing is awesome! Sorry I didn't review earlier but yeah, update soon!
6/22/2009 c2 iluvwolfy
You left me with so many questions.

6/22/2009 c2 14Sapphyre Nymph
this is quite nice... i do hope it'll be a longer chapter next time..
6/22/2009 c2 2codeblue92
I love it. :) please do continue writing!
6/19/2009 c1 4Priscilla Shay

I really like this era so I decided to read ^_^. It's coming along nicely and I'll be looking forward to updates.

I like your descriptions, they flow nicely. I only have a few things, one 'His Grace' would be capitalized since it's a formal title. Two, at the end, when she's swearing to hate the Duke of Norton...that would be her hating the dad. Since the father is still alive he holds the title of Duke, while Derek would be an honorary Marquis/Marquess..only becoming Duke of Norton when his father dies.

Other than that, keep up the good work! :)

6/19/2009 c1 4aileenrose
i like this. a lot. :)

and now i want to know what happens when they meet again! (they do meet again, right?)
6/19/2009 c1 Star Whistler
Good start! I think your story has a lot of potential.
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