Just In
for Once Bitten REWRITE

8/7/2009 c3 82Isabella22
Yay for the rewrite! Update soon!
7/18/2009 c3 animegirl214
:D :D :D

tahnks for the story!

please upate again asap! ;]
7/17/2009 c3 2Mae Liz
Keep it coming! I'm not really sure what I should say- since this is a rewrite- but good luck on it! Keep it coming!
7/11/2009 c1 6Fonzie
Damn Thugmuffin! I really wanted to finish reading Once Bitten. Its really good :(


I'll miss your writing.

7/8/2009 c3 JustAnotherLibroLover
i louve it! please please pwease update soon!
7/8/2009 c3 Superdevil
I didn't read the first "Once Bitten", but I'm liking this very much. Please continue.
7/6/2009 c3 Aisucold
very interesting. great chapter
7/6/2009 c2 Aisucold
great chapter. I hope she really isnt fired from both jobs. Thats depressing :)
7/6/2009 c1 Aisucold
lol. I liked it but im alittle confused. im sure everything will come together in the later chapters
7/6/2009 c3 MarloCarlo10
I love this story!

I was thinking about the sequel to this story and then I was reading "Importance" and looked at your profile, and I'm glad I did or I probably wouldn't have read this. :)

Good chap!

She's a lucky one ;)
7/6/2009 c2 MarloCarlo10
Damn Mike Grover! He's so awesome ;)

That really, really sucks for her! But it would've been funny to see her flip Mike off right in the middle of the restaraunt :)
7/6/2009 c1 MarloCarlo10
Ahh Beeker! lol Gosh I'd be pissed too if some chick handcuffed me in a car for five hours ;)

Good chapter!
7/6/2009 c2 Failed account
I'm glad this story is back up, i really enjoyed the first one.
6/27/2009 c3 2renegade01
Yay, its just getting interesting. I haven't read the original to this, but regardless I like the way this is going and can't wait to see how you develop the story. *_^
6/25/2009 c1 debatablywonderful
Oh no! Sorry, I didn't think but my last review was a total spoiler! Sorry!
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