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for Go Green? Isn't it a little late for that?

7/2/2009 c1 5A Very Disappointed Author
Nice to see you're still alive King, how's it going?

Anyway, you should know me well enough by now...I don't check my facts before I write. C'mon, if ANYONE knows that it'd you.

Haha anyway, this was just something I found and felt like posting, and I actually enjoyed reading your review.

Peace out

The One, the ONLY,

6/30/2009 c1 27Typewriter King
Climate change doesn't really seem like the best topic for the gonzo approach to journalism. One reason why the efforts of Hunter S. Thompson and the like were so successful was that nobody really cared how precise the recollections were. You could say Las Cruces and mean Albuquerque, mix up the Hell's Angels and the Mongols, and no one would care, or say you were at an Isotopes game when you meant Lobos, and no one would care.

But on climate science, someone will care about precision, and not just the annoying pedant that can never stand to tolerate split hairs. Lot's of well-adjusted people will care.

"Why can't we have the carefree days of the 1950s, 60s, and 70s..."

Yep, no more carefree Cold War.

"Things like an endless war in the middle east?"

Israel-Palestine was a heated conflict then, too.

"...I am not against the idea behind Social Security, or the fact that it aides my grandparents, just the fact that its failures are becoming our responsibility to fix"

Got it. Not against the program, just against the real-world consequences of an insolvent program.

"Its OUR generation that started the "Go Green" movement."

Or Baby-Boomers trying to sell you carbon credits.

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