Just In
for Greetings From the Black Lotus

12/10/2011 c1 4AshlynHibbs
Definitely a great story! I love it!

The language style is superb! Although there isn't much action in the story, the language is more than enough. :)

I'd be pleased with this as a series, or perhaps with a prequel.

(I'm adding you and your story to my subscriptions and favorites!)

Well, very nice job!
7/10/2009 c1 24TheJacklyn
Beautifully written. Brava. Brava. I love the way you write. It could almost be like a poem it's written so well. I hope to read more from you.

7/4/2009 c1 im.a.werewolf.rawr
Crazy. I was confused the whole time I was reading this. Like, is this supposed to be the future? Or another planet? Or is the girl just psychotic? Regardless, it's beautifully written.
7/3/2009 c1 2I Am The Masquerade
A very good story that makes you think.
7/3/2009 c1 The Dark Side
Hi, your story is so amazing and well written and I really enjoyed reading it and I was (am) craving more. When I get an account (hopefully soon), I'll be sure to make you my favorite author becasue you are an amazing writter

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