4/10/2010 c1 MelodieCC
i swear to god, you have like the most amazing talent at writing one-shots; they are awesome. i love how they're funny and romantic. i wish i could write like that, i really wish. :)
i swear to god, you have like the most amazing talent at writing one-shots; they are awesome. i love how they're funny and romantic. i wish i could write like that, i really wish. :)
4/6/2010 c1 kamwe kukua
Well, "no" means "yes" in 'girl' so it's all good right? Ahaha your stories are amazing. Not gonaa lie.
Well, "no" means "yes" in 'girl' so it's all good right? Ahaha your stories are amazing. Not gonaa lie.
3/5/2010 c1
ur right, it was complete fluff, and no point to it at all, but thats wat made it so great :) sometimes the pointless oneshot cliche stories are the bext because they make u happy, and dont have to wait for the next chapter ;) haha

ur right, it was complete fluff, and no point to it at all, but thats wat made it so great :) sometimes the pointless oneshot cliche stories are the bext because they make u happy, and dont have to wait for the next chapter ;) haha
2/26/2010 c1 WishBlade
I don't think it gets more adorably cliche than this-meaning it was awesome, and I loved it to death! =D
I don't think it gets more adorably cliche than this-meaning it was awesome, and I loved it to death! =D
2/10/2010 c1 LehCarXRachel
Haha! The ending made me giggle like a little girl! Your stories are really cute ^^. Selina&Carter! Jock and the nerd. :D
Haha! The ending made me giggle like a little girl! Your stories are really cute ^^. Selina&Carter! Jock and the nerd. :D
2/9/2010 c1 WithEveryReason
I loved it.
The whole monkey ear thing and how he kept bringing it up was funny.
Hahah. :D
I loved it.
The whole monkey ear thing and how he kept bringing it up was funny.
Hahah. :D
2/2/2010 c1
I believe you are one of the most talented writers on this website.
For goodness sake, you have the cutest stories, and your ending are always spectacular.
This isn't an exception.
I loved every second of it.

I believe you are one of the most talented writers on this website.
For goodness sake, you have the cutest stories, and your ending are always spectacular.
This isn't an exception.
I loved every second of it.