Just In
for Soul Catcher

9/10/2014 c24 1MileyRowling
You have to update this! This is so good!
1/15/2013 c2 1JazminAurora
Awesome so far!
5/26/2012 c24 4Nyx'sReincarnation
amazing story! I love your writing style!

Will this be updated?

Tarah xXx
8/2/2011 c24 too.much.of.water
Firstly I love the poetry throughout this, it's so beautiful and dark. I really love it. The entire story is so brilliant, so romantic and just so original. I've really never read anything like it, it's gorgeously written and Sophia and Adrian, I love them. They're adorable. And Freya, I love her she's just so quirky and fun. I could go on for a bit but basically I love your story. I could marry it and have little story-babies. Which would be illegal. But you get the gist of it, so please, keep writing and I hope to one day see this on the shelves of a library.
1/27/2011 c1 Old xRayneWolfx account
This is really gripping and your two poems are so dark and suspenceful. Its like a siren singing and the story is like a play or something. I can't wait for more

11/13/2010 c7 Sarah A. W
Wow I should really keep on reading, I'm starting to lose track of the story.. :/

So, I'm guessing, they are going to find out someone, maybe a main character xD

lol good thing we have a break starting tomorrow so I will try to read it.

~ Sarah.
10/5/2010 c6 Sarah A. W
Aww the part about the little Sophia and the soul catcher at the beginning was cute :p

I'm also guessing that the dream she had at the end could be true? xD Idk, i's just my wide imagination lol
10/5/2010 c5 Sarah A. W
I just noticed it has been A LONG time since I read this, so I'm trying to remember the story.. I'll make sure to keep up with it, at least I'll read a chapter per day, now that I got most of my university work organized!

I liked the chapter and I still like your characters and the way you describe places. So far, it's a good read (I didn't get to the exciting part yet) :p

Also, I just noticed I always end up reading stories involving blood suckers/ vampires and it's kind of funny lol

I'll keep reading!
9/11/2010 c8 99Dreamers-Requiem
Awesome chapter. I liked seeing it from Darren's POV and it was good to learn a bit more about it. Great change of scenery too, nicely done. And the description of 'the valley' was amazing; it really had that kind of Otherworld feel used in mythology. And it tied in really well with her dreams, so good job on that.

I think I'm the only person who gets bugged by this, so feel free to disregard what I say next if you want to :P Are most of their conversations taking place in English? If so, I liked the addition of the Italian words, it works well. If not, then the way I see it is it's kind of like it's being translated from Italian for the reader's sake, in which case it comes across better to stick to English (even if the Italian words are pretty cool) :P Hope that makes sense.

Anyway, great flow as always, great pace and loving it. Good work.
9/3/2010 c24 4Frayling0
Great chapter! Loved the last line of section 1... Sophia naive to Adrian's actions. Glad to see Freya and Charlie again, fondly remember them from when I last read :) The dialogue in the last bit was crisp and spot on. Nice work!~ Luke
8/31/2010 c7 99Dreamers-Requiem
Firstly, the first bit; you have a really nice gift for building up a scene. It makes it easy to picture the three of them fighting, especially with Vicky set off from the others. Added in this, the dialogue fits in really well, especially the banter between them. I love Vicky's sarcasm. Still, I can't help but get the feeling there's jealously underlying that...

The scene with them in the common room was, again, built up really well. I love Freya, she seems so sweet with Rhi and her random lines. She reminds me of Luna in Harry Potter. I do think you need to somehow show what Alex sees in her; right now, I don't get it, he clearly likes her, but sometimes I find myself asking why when he doesn't seem overly keen on her quirks, even if he does defend her from Vicky.

I love how they fight demons and vampires but can't imagine something like 'Rhi' existing.

'Alex expected Sheng's voice to be rough and grated, like ancient stone, so he was mildly disappointed when the man sounded fairly normal, albeit with a slight foreign accent.' - awesome line.

The ending was suspenseful, and again built up well. You have a talent for that. loving it as always.
8/31/2010 c2 Equilibrium
I'm a big fan of 'lushy, gushy, florid prose' myself! XD And I think you do it very well. This chapter was very evocative, and of course very vividly described. I especially liked the phrase 'a magician's smile'; it seemed perfectly suited to the mysterious dream(?)-person.

My biggest qualm so far is that these chapters are kinda short. Taken all together they make the story seem a little disjointed.
8/31/2010 c1 Equilibrium
Starting this story with a poem might not have been the best idea - it's a little melodramatic and cliched, although the poem itself is pretty well-written (in comparison to the standard FP fare). Still, I think it's a good first chapter with regards to atmosphere, suspense, and writing. I particularly like the idea of a Soul Catcher - were you inspired by Dream Catchers?
8/29/2010 c4 Sarah A. W
Ah.. Cambridge. I hate them for making my life complicated. lol

Nevermind that, this is another great chapter!

I really enjoyed it and I like how you showed the connection between the characters and how you first introduced them

And four girls liking the same guy? This should be interesting for me!

I hope I can catch up and read because reading when I'm far off kind of takes a long time.
8/29/2010 c3 Sarah A. W
Another great chapter!

This is becoming really interesting (I hope) and so far I'm liking it.

There are too many characters introdced in this chap. and I usually have trouble with remembering their names but I'll get used to it after I read more.

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