Just In
for The Boy

8/18/2009 c2 2Double AA
Yay! Chapter two is up! Even on FP, this story is still the most awesome thing I have ever read. And I have no idea why it's so amazing!

Keep Writing! ~Double AA
7/28/2009 c1 dinodaw
Greatest story ever. period.
7/27/2009 c1 6Telephonic
this was not serious, classy or logical. And it's Smartatude* -_- Speaking of which, your smartatude really flumpetted me, I got schwumped off my wonkerz.
7/27/2009 c1 15tiger002
Random rants by authors, strange towns, muffins yum, and all this illogic is built of to a story that makes absolutly no sense and in that way it good. Nice story.

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