Just In
for Crazy About Wishes

9/26/2012 c1 heal me forever
7/25/2012 c1 29Ginbrat
ADORABLENESSES! If that's not a word it is now because it describes this story!
5/9/2012 c1 8theKnobblyKneedWriter
I love this.
12/22/2011 c1 2The Weatherwitch
aww! cute ^.^
4/27/2011 c1 13MADdreamers
This story was such a cute and fun story to read. I wouldn't mind having Rita for a friend haha. Thanks for sharing it.
11/30/2010 c1 ghurl00
:) They're both so cute and adorable. :)

I love them!
9/28/2010 c1 2elma
she inspired me! I love what she said about why she wishes... do you happen to know any other things that are wishable on?

thanks for the lovely read :)
6/17/2010 c1 5HelloLovely
I really liked it, but the girl almost seemed like she had Asbergers'(i spelled that way wrong). I thought that was good, and idk if you were trying to make her come off that way, but you did an amazing job at it!


6/4/2010 c1 1P.F Ally
cute. very cute. i love freddie :D
2/15/2010 c1 WithEveryReason


12/19/2009 c1 3GinnyJ12
LOLi was listening to liar, liar by NeverShoutNever and i saw the lead singer chris as the guy. =] oh and also Roll of Thunder Hear Me Cry, is the book my brother stole from the teacher we both hate! LOL XD
12/10/2009 c1 5itsVKEE
naw ;) this is adorablee!
11/22/2009 c1 3dontneedyou
Aw. This is such an ADORABLE story, I swear! It's so freaking cute. Freddie is just so adorably awesome. =] This is a great one-shot!
9/28/2009 c1 welcome to meganland
cuute! I love fluffy one shots!

9/28/2009 c1 DELETE THIS ACCOUNT NOW 323402
aww this is so cute i love it its so funny

i was cracxking up when the the sister said "i like you"
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