Just In
for Both Sides Now

9/3/2013 c1 3taichcha
Please post this one on Wattapad! I miss Riley and Charlie!
5/10/2012 c19 5Disney Is Hardcore
Aw, well I thought that was lovely :) I liked how carolyn had those little moments with her daughter, and wasn't just a cardboard cut out villain...I thought Riley and Charlie were sweet together, I wasn't expecting how Charlie was in the email "look we keep dancing around each other". and how he signed it "love, Charlie" instead of like he signed them before. and I'm not going to lie, I definitely scrolled up to check that it was definitely as significant as I thought it was. I love the last sentence as well, think its a great way to round it off. I tweeted it, haha hope you don't mind that :') I liked how the epilogue was the acknowledgements for his book, thought that was pretty sweet, and fairly subtle :) anyway I just thought it was good. also, the confrontation with Carolyn (or Caroline? I can't remember whoops sorry) where she just admitted she was wrong and she apologised, I liked it because you had hinted at it previously with the touches of humanity she shows with her daughter :)

anyway yeah, good read, thanks for that x
5/4/2012 c19 2loveofallthatisawesome
Oh, this was just awesome. I read the first two chapters and I'll admit I was kind of bored, but I persevered and I'm so glad that I did! This story is so amazing!

Charlie is just such a gentleman and his interactions with Elle and Riley are just so fascinating and adorable. I like how he seems so real and genuine.

Riley is awesome, too. I understand her reasoning for everything that she did and it made me so sad every time she got in an argument with Charlie. But they were both right, in their own way.

Matt was cool. I did not see that high school back story coming, but it was definitely nice to read about :D Same thing with Nina. Riley and Nina's friendship together is something that has to be cherished. They're awesome :D

Well, I loved this story, and I especially love that epilogue! Definitely a different twist to the usual stuff, but I loved it. It was so unique, and I like how they're all married and everything and they went to Europe, and it just makes me so happy :D
4/27/2012 c19 Amazed
I love your story! I couldn't even stop when I started reading it. :) I've been reading since 6pm and it's now 10:49pm my time. It was worth every second. :) congratulations!
3/26/2012 c19 jst me
I really enjoyed this story your a great writer keep up your great work
2/11/2012 c19 3Brightheart
i loved this story. it was AMAZING.
2/9/2012 c19 ezrialove
oh wow. this has got to be one of the BEST stories on here. i'm really glad that i have stumbled upon it and was curious enough to start reading it. what i loved the most was your way of describing things in the story. you've made everything so spot on that it's so easy and also so fascinating for me to be able to picture them in my head. i really, truly, enjoyed your story. your characters are also very realistic and i enjoyed the way you developed their relationships. i loved all of them! (yes, including carolyn and maybe even evan) they were consistent throughout the story but was still able to surprise me here and there. charlie is a dream! he and riley are perfect together and i am glad to find out that they do end up getting married. THANK YOU for sharing this story with us and i encourage you to keep writing! you're incredible at it. =)
1/12/2012 c19 veroniica
beautiful story charlie is sooooo sweet ^o^
10/24/2011 c19 wookborm

This is the best story I've read in a while now... In a way, it reminded me of The Nanny Diaries, except I didn't end up blubbering like a baby in the end. Instead, I'm left with this warm ooey gooey feeling in my chest. Thank you, a million times thank you for writing this marvelous piece of work. You apologized towards the beginning about the slow development- but I thank you for it. Your characters were fresh, fun (and in Charlie's case, incredibly sexy) and wormed their way into my heart. I would have loved to see a bit more of Matty and Nina(I'll have to take a look at your works for that, since I kind of started with your story after I found it and never strayed to see your other works :P).

This is a sappy review:/ sorry for that. Thanks again! And I'm looking forward to reading through your other works instead of doing homework and studying for midterms. Keep up the amazing work, ms poppy, you've an amazing talent.

All the best,

7/25/2011 c19 animegirl214
Aww! This story was so cute! 3
6/22/2011 c19 4Astarael-11
So, I read your whole story and I just have to tell you that something didn't sit right with me at all... and that's the fact that I didn't find this story earlier. I know that was a cruel way to start out my review but there was so little that I found wrong with the story so I thought I'd change things around a bit :D Let's also just say that I will definitely be reading your other stories.

Anyway, sorry, to the actual story. It was amazing. I absolutely loved reading every single word of it. The characterse were believable (and Charlie was so attractive) what more could anyone ask for? Oh yeah, fantastic writing with witty dialogue of course. I literally looked at the genre of this story five times because I thought you may have put it in humour, I loved the conversations Riley and Charlie had.

Also, just a compliment to you. It's so cool to hear how much you love to write. It just makes the story seem better to me for some reason. I think it was because your passion kind of came through in the writing (and I'm sorry but I stayed up until 1 in the morning to read your story so I couldn't make that sound any less corny).

So yes, I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed and appreciated your story, especially as I could identify myself with Riley in so many ways. She was definitely a likable and relatable character :)
5/25/2011 c19 Boo
Amazing story

The last line is so romantic. Brought me to tears:) Beautiful story indeed:)
5/21/2011 c19 Elin from Sweden
Just like the other story's you've written this was amazing! And I loved the epilogue, different but in a very very good way!;)
5/16/2011 c19 Kaeru Love
Wow. Seriously like one of the best romance stories that I've ever read! You took a pretty cliched concept (rich guy and normal girl) and made it new and touching and ::sigh:: beautiful. I know I'm reading this like 2 years after you finished it, but it just goes to show how much people still appreciate good, timeless fiction. :)
5/1/2011 c19 Alanisaur
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