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for Say It With A Card

2/4/2021 c1 anonymousnn
Love it!
4/24/2020 c1 Otakuami
I love the way you have described the greeting cards in the story
I can't help but swoon at how romantic the sentences are.
3/14/2019 c1 zagato
This is so sweet and beautiful, thank you for writing!
3/22/2017 c1 13Shailaputri
Martin and Taylor's character description and the way he describes her..it is cute. Martin's character is very different from the usual characters. Really like it for bringing that.
/The most romantic place in the world... is anywhere you are./ The card words..Very sweet
11/6/2015 c1 somersaultkick
Awwwwww so cute.
11/25/2014 c1 14Miss Pookie Fethers
Awwwwww, that was so sweet! *o* Loving these romance fics of yours! :D
P.S. I knew that card would be for her in the end, heeheehee. XD
10/12/2014 c1 75AlysonSerenaStone
AH! That ending was touching! I knew it was coming, but still!
8/31/2014 c1 Julietish
Hi! It's Juliet from A Drop of Romeo. When your story was featured on ADoR, a judge wrote this review for it: Before you go thinking, "Ugh, another Valentine's Day story," stop. It's not. Well, it is, but it's a very good one. It's pretty cliche, but cliches are good, especially here on ADoR.

It's about Taylor, who works in a card store, surrounded by romantic cards and stuffed animals. Her crush, Martin, comes in, looking for a card he can give to the girl he likes. Taylor helps him out, though her heart is breaking as she does. Martin asks for suggestions and Taylor tells him that everything she would have chosen, she already owns, except for one card, which, of course, he buys for his girl.

Say It With a Card is a cute, thoughtful read that, though the idea is pretty cliche, is very original and good. The characters were very likable. Usually, in one-shots, the characters are odd and outlandish, which is sometimes the only good quality about the story. In this one, however, Taylor and Martin are both very realistic and just normal. You can tell that Taylor is romantic and quiet, and I think that's something many of us can relate to. Martin is the silent, broody type; you get the feeling that he doesn't like to show his emotions. The dialogue contained phrases people would actually say. It's only about 2,400 words which is the perfect length to tell the story. The author seemed to have put a lot of effort and thought into it, although she's posted 150 works on the site, which is just insane and wonderful to me. Even though it's definitely not Valentine's Day, you should certainly read Say It With a Card right now.
3/28/2014 c1 CB
Well. Can't say it was unexpected, but you wrote it in such a romantic and sincere way that instead of being sappy or excessively mushy it's just wonderful.
Thank you!
2/7/2014 c1 10cloudwritten
I read this because a friend printed it and brought it to school. I was bored and asked her if I could read it. :D She let me read it, but, mind you, she never claimed it as hers. :3

This is beautiful.

Miss Blue
1/26/2014 c1 DragonOwl
I love this oneshot! It's beautifully romantic but not too mushy - it's one of those stories which can be relied on to leave me smiling!
12/16/2013 c1 1APassionForReadingAndWriting
Aw, I love this oneshot :). Great job!
10/4/2013 c1 4Princess Wanderer
I kinda wanna know what happens next
8/13/2013 c1 1Belly boo1099
Omg this utterly adorable! Loved it!
7/27/2013 c1 shortwinters219
very cute :)
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