Just In
for Callboy

2/15/2013 c7 2Bananafishh
Naw. Omly 16 reviews? No wonder you stopped updating! This story is going awesome anyway. We've just reached the turning point, setup power continue sometime. Kudos to you writer xxxxxxx
8/2/2011 c7 ohmytuesday
Awesome. Pure awesome (:

I hope you continue 3
1/11/2011 c7 Guest
Awesome story. It's written very well. I'll be looking out for an update if you get to it.
3/21/2010 c7 1Triizore
I hate to nag, because I hate getting nagged, but please tell me you haven't given up on this story. It has to be one of the most complex (plot-wise) story on this website.

I want to see Kahoku get rescued or escape, this story is too good to be left hanging.

I am favoriting this, I adore your writing and am waiting for a new chapter.
3/16/2010 c7 ALVT

Nothing else to say.
12/29/2009 c7 23firestar267
New guy is really interesting, im glad well be seeing him again. this is really well written.
10/21/2009 c7 4HiringParanoia
Huh, you know, you usually build up to having sex, not the reverse.


I'm glad I've finally gotten the time to read the updates I've missed. I still love it.
10/6/2009 c7 Valraven
10/4/2009 c7 wirehire
Lovelovelove :D

He's going to be saved! Yess! And his vulnerability really came through well. At first I didn't get why he didn't admit that he hated it all, but it makes sense he's afraid incase it's a trick/test :)

Falling in love with this story :)
10/3/2009 c7 zoo-bie
OMG, you have awoken the beast that is my fangirl need! D:

I love this story, but since I'm no good with words I can't express how much. Still, I r e a l l y love it, so please be a doll and update soon and keep my hunger away! My future happiness depends on you!
9/25/2009 c6 wirehire
This is a brilliant story! It took me a few chapters to get into it, but now I'm really rooting for his freedom :D. And Noah's too. Very well written, sounds realistic. Looking foward to seeing how it goes :)
9/5/2009 c5 4Blo0d StaiNed Rose
Aouch..who the hell is this Aurel guy? please update soon..:)
8/28/2009 c4 1tarryfairy
very interesting so far! Can't wait to see where this is going :) Poor Kahoku, he seems so bitter and numb; I hope he is going to get a happy ending!
8/27/2009 c3 4HiringParanoia
Context clues, context clues! It wouldn't be as interesting if we had all of the answers handed to us. Although, the translation in this one was helpful. Wouldn't have known it was a feminine thing without it.
8/25/2009 c3 4Blo0d StaiNed Rose
i think its better to explain tem how you use them in the story for the reader might misunderstand...because not many are familiar with the words we dont knowhow you use them so its better if you do it likeyou did now..:)
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