Just In
for Waterloo

5/1/2010 c2 bansira
Boring? Not at all. Personally, I think the story is rather interesting.

And well, if it follows the generic pattern of stories, the person who spoke is Kenny. Also, it's the only justifiable person to get a surprise-reaction from.

Though, instead of sounding predictable, it just makes you curious about Kenny, so it's not as if it's a bad thing. I think.

Oh, well.

I'll look forward for the next chapter! Thank you for sharing your story.
5/1/2010 c1 bansira
Hehe, this first chapter is awesome.

It's funny, interesting, and the main character's "voice" is believable, not at all a half-hearted character portrayal.

Well, I really like it. The finishing lines are especially "hooking". xD
8/19/2009 c2 persimmon
Totally didn't bore my socks off. I like it. Also intrigued, by Kenny that is. Oh and I like Joel, I like that he's not perfect or a caricature, he just comes across as a real, ordinary kid. Yay! Definitely not an epic fail...as to how good it is. Well: 1. You can write words which make sense (this is surprisingly difficult, no sarcasm here - I mean your mechanics of english are good, your dialogue makes sense, you don't write sentences that are ridiculous cliches, use stupid adjectives, play dress up dolls with you characters yada yada...). 2. I am interested. This also is big praise, as in, in a sea of high school romances, you have characters that I actually may end up giving a damn about.

8/13/2009 c2 1Undecided Fiction
I am enjoying the scenarios and the characters so far...my only complaint so far is that there is only two chapters XD But it's only awesome because it makes me look forward to story alerting this and waiting for me. I'm enjoying the interaction between characters, and Joel is a lively character; I'm not sure about Kenny b/c I've only read what he main chara knows of him adn by his somewhat sullen actions with not participating in the first chapter. So! I will be waiting for more...good story!
8/13/2009 c2 13misseloquence
Ohman, the way Joel just flat out said, "You're an asshole." was kind of perfect.

I really like this, I can't wait to read some more.
8/10/2009 c1 poooooooooooooooooooop
oh...i wonder what happens next...update!
8/10/2009 c1 1Mercedes Woods
I like this. I was a little turned off at first when it seemed to follow a pretty cliche plot: main character is forced together with guy with bad attitude for a school project. It's been done too many times. In this case, though, it seems to work. Maybe because it's so well-written. You've definitely given the narrator a good voice, and I feel like I sort of understand the narrator as the goofy but smart guy, which is always an interesting personality. Even though I feel like I already know what's going to happen, I'd still like to read it.
8/10/2009 c1 This-is-my-penname-2
i like joel

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