Just In
for Just Drive the Car

5/17/2013 c4 4ShadowJunkie
Ah, this would've been unbelievably epic if it was longer. You got the mafia part down without the characters turning out so utterly gay and submissive unlike other authors. Joey's a ball of witty awesomeness and Nicky's the (emphasis on the 'the', bro) son of the boss. I mean, who wouldn't love that kind of pair. It was an easy pleasant read and only regret is that we don't get to read 'bout what they do after hooking up. Ah well, much more for our imagination, I guess. Kudos, JJ!
3/4/2013 c4 1BlaseBlanco
Amazing, amazing, amazing. You're a great story teller and this one in particular was fantastic.
2/8/2013 c1 inpeace
Just wanted you to know that this really made an impact on me. Enough that I needed to come back weeks later and leave another comment.

I just keep thinking how silly the Dad was. "Here son, I got you a husband for your birthday." which is hilariously sweet, and the " we aren't good boys" which was hot and really holds the whole story for me.

Not being particularly articulate today. Just focus on the top paragraph.
1/20/2013 c4 inpeace
Okay, so everything that happens in chapter one is a little too upfront, but I'm glad I continued. By chapter two I was pretty hooked on the characters. I love the future that you so clearly laid out for them within the frame of a short story, and that line "We're not nice boys. We're not animals either."

I also appreciate the way you made big Nicky so protective and loving of his son at the same time he was being a complete bigot. It's confusing, but gives the feeling that the love was even stronger for that.

It's easy to sympathies with all the readers asking for more, but I will not join them. It's best to leave wanting more.
12/27/2012 c4 6Veneya
loool i luved it - i admit that people were asking u for updates due to the story having the feel that it should continue but this feel of a subtle ending works rather well here.
8/2/2012 c4 3alexisrenee
Ahhhh that's awesome! Pretty damn badass without being totally depressing like a lot of mob stories get. Sweet too in a weird way.
11/30/2011 c4 Erysimum
Ugh, that was so good. The set-up (mafia etc.) is not something I'm usually into at all BUT this has got me wishing I could write something like it. Believable, realistic, good dialogue, well-thought out characters, and likeable characters too- esp. considering their careers. I know Joey described himself as a "red-blooded, hard-headed, gun-toting closet case" but he just seemed like a nice guy, not particularly 'mafia'; that's not a bad thing, I was rooting for them all the way through!

Also just want to pick out that description of "sunrise in the city" in Ch.2- LOVED it. The ending was romantic without being sentimental at all. Probably if I spent a long time thinking I'd find some nitpicky thing I could give you for concrit but the truth is, first reading, straight off, loved it. Cheers!
11/26/2011 c4 1Shjsj7732
This story was way fun to read. I think it was really cute but also interesting. Kudos!
8/6/2011 c4 Inebri
One word. Awesome. :D I love the hit-and-run feel of the whole story. Like, 'let's pick a gun and run with it'. Excellent.

*goes off to read your other stories*
7/17/2011 c4 truth bites
liked it a loooooot!
4/24/2011 c4 Malaia
I just... oh gawd I have to write my own stories and now I can't because I found this and now I have to read all /yours/! *pouts*
3/20/2011 c4 4Yoona
What a love story...

I adore every chapter of it...
2/28/2011 c4 1Ben Tramsami
This was kinda cute. I really enjoyed reading this short story. Nice job. :)
12/23/2010 c4 SparkaLynn
This is the sweetest story I have read on fictionpress thus far in my career as a reader! Your characterizations are brilliant, and I love how realistic your dialogue is in this story. Its short and sweet, and the ending is simply adorable.
12/6/2010 c4 Zethoa
Jesus. You're one helluva writer. Now I feel like I've gotta read everything you've done.

Seriously though, you have a great, straightforward style and a knack for interesting plots. I'm loving what I'm reading. =)
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