Just In
for Just Drive the Car

11/13/2010 c4 DevilishMisfit
Thanks for this amazing piece of literature. This is the best fictional story about the mafia that I have ever read.
10/24/2010 c4 2Iuno
Beautiful. I love how Little Nicky didn't turn out to be a stereotype emo kid with his fashion sense. I love their dads too! From the way they understood their sons and the complications of being in the business mixed with gay children.
8/15/2010 c4 ami-mochi1
love the dialogue in this! It's so natural. I wish this was longer, this definitely feels like it could be an entire verse.
6/12/2010 c4 rachel
no where's the rest? need more like a crack addict T_T
5/24/2010 c1 eiyuang999
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4/19/2010 c4 6MantraMagazine
That was a really awesome story. To quote some book I read; "It's nice to see that thing called friendship between two gangsters." 'Cept this is better of course. When it really hit me you were writing about the mafia, I didn't think you could pull it off, but you did. Thanks for posting. I won't put you on alerts, but hopefully favorites is all right. :D
3/13/2010 c1 12PapaMike
Yes the gangster fic! It's official, you rock the socks.

I especially liked how not cutsey this fic was. I'm so bored sifting through pages of "omgz! My name is Takashi(or some other suitably generic azn name). I love you, but do you love me? oh thats good cos now we can live happily forevar and have lots of buttsex" Gems like this make it worth it.
2/26/2010 c4 whitecrow
This is so good! And written so well, told in your inimitable style. You're really good, you know that? Blew any constructive feedback/crit right out of my mind. Just perfect. Thank you!
2/3/2010 c4 4Mewenn
That's excellent. It's also a short story that deserve another story showing Nicky and his "right hand man who got his back" (literally and graphically if possible) climb their way to the top.
2/3/2010 c1 Mewenn
I usually avoid T- rated stories but in this particular case I don't even care if the car has more chances to get laid than any of the actual characters. Your style is just plain brilliant.
11/8/2009 c4 ruruxrainbow
A-aw. I liked it. Too bad you won't write more.
10/25/2009 c4 59Anti-Joker
You are some kinda genius, you know that? Great read.
10/20/2009 c4 lotrdeana17
I really enjoyed this short story. It had a lot of warmth to it. The different scenarios you write about are so different with an astounding clarity. You really create each world you write about, and I love that. It's always a pleasure to read your work.
10/18/2009 c4 17mousegirl05
Once again, I have noting of deep construct to offer. This just means that you've knocked me off my typical grammar-style-word choice-and-theme-picky-soapbox. The pacing is great and the plot is excellent. I can tell why so many people want you to continue this. *laughs* It's excellent. It takes some authors hundreds of pages to build up characters they way you've done in such a short span. As I mentioned in it's comment, I read the spin-off first. I must say I liked both POVs. They're both great. Joey is excellent. Nicky is fabulous. Yep. That's all. Cheers!
10/6/2009 c4 Rhod
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