Just In
for Just Drive the Car

8/11/2009 c4 4overlordpotatoe
Gay gangsters, the best way to start the day! Typing, far easier without cats!

I loved that last line. "When I'm king of the world we'll kill him lots, okay babe?" So sweet.
8/11/2009 c4 3Vera Dicere
loved it. the sort of simple, unadorned style was really fitting for the setting and characters. it was interesting to see some of the conflicts that joey and nicky were both internalizing because of their sexuality and their potential...careers. but not actually as much conflict as one might given the circumstances. but i have to admit, joey still doesn't seem very mafia to me, even though the few mentions in the story make it apparent that he was. he just seems like to much of a nice guy. *shrugs* still loved it though. especially nicky's comment at the end- "we'll kill him lots, baby." brought a smile to my face.
8/11/2009 c4 5Aime Atem
Absolutely fabulous. You've made my day.

What's up with Jack Saturday? I miss it.
8/11/2009 c1 24Miss Bob
I think I fell in love with this from the second paragraph. The bit with the car was legend. I'm glad to see you posting more stuff, it's been too long! :P

*zooms onto next chapter*
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