Just In
for His Saving Grace

7/9/2014 c7 15thenifoundfivedollars
I'm so happy you're epublishing! Wishing you great success! :D
7/8/2014 c7 1Lil Bazza
I just bought it - I'm so totally going to read it and then send you a review! Do you have a mailing list I can join?

It kills me that I can't read all my favourites anymore (cause now I have to buy them!) but I probably will... slowly. And I know it's my fault cause I encouraged you. Caking and eating, hey?

But I'm totally excited about finally reading this story. I should read so much to learn again. Golly gosh. I think I've got it down though.

Ack! so excited!
6/19/2014 c6 75AlysonSerenaStone
What up have up here so far is great! I enjoyed So Much To Learn and had no idea that you had started a sequel! I really like Grace and I enjoyed Alex a lot in SMtL-he really spiced up the plot line! I saw on your facebook page that you have finished the draft and I must ask the question: are you going to post it on here or on Amazon? Anyway, great work!
4/9/2014 c6 Guest
I love the story, I need to know what happens, its one of those stories that after you read it you keep thinking what will happen next and imagining many situations and I need to know what happens for the sake of my mental peace! Please? Just take some mercy on your poor fan who has read all your stories and loves your writing :) (and yes, Im hoping flattery will help, although it is both true that I have read all your stories and that I love them all)
10/14/2013 c6 Guest
PLEASE UPDATE! Your stories are amazing, and SMtL is my favorite story of yours, and now theres a sequel! I'm begging you, please update :)
9/22/2013 c6 Guest
PLEASE UPDATE! ive been waiting for you to update this story since forever!
9/19/2013 c6 Anbel
I beg of you, please update this story. I've been reading all your stories every few months, and this is still the one that seems to just tug at my heart so much.

So please, if you haven't given up on this story, please finish it. There's just so much emotion and heartache.

And Alex. Alex, Jess. Please.
9/8/2013 c4 Guest
You need to need to need to continue this! :o
5/4/2013 c6 brinalovesyouxx
Ahhh omg please please pretty please with a cherry on top... Please continue this story! I've read so many of your other stories and love 'em all 3 you're an awesome writing and you're Aussie! I'm just glad i understand all of our aussie slang ;) anyways, keep up the awesome work :D xx
1/22/2013 c6 Guest
1/14/2013 c6 Isabella22
Yes! I'm so upset this is on hiatus, but excited that it's compliant with SMtL :) I can't wait for more!
12/25/2012 c6 Dawn28
okay, so I know you haven't updated this story in a while but I really think you should! It's going great and I would love to read it in its entirety. Would really appreciate it. And you're an awesome writer! :)
12/24/2012 c6 please please
12/23/2012 c6 9AKhwab
HEY! I can't wait for you to update. Why is this on hiatus? :( you are a pretty good writer. Actually not "pretty good". A VERY good one. Thanks for all the stories. I like them all.
12/3/2012 c1 RomanticTeen
Okay so exactly what is this story about because aren't Alex and Grace small characters in SMtL? Will there be Talia and Jack in this story?
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