2/28/2010 c1 1mixed up mess
I like how you say 'if they are still mad at me', because you dying might provoke some pity.
I like how you say 'if they are still mad at me', because you dying might provoke some pity.
12/22/2009 c1 Isca
"I hate it when people stare at my sleeping, lifeless body." I like that you paired the word "sleeping" with "lifeless." It's interesting in the sense that the word "sleeping" suggests that the person is able to resurrect. If they were just "lifeless," they'd probably believe in nihilism.
"I hate it when people stare at my sleeping, lifeless body." I like that you paired the word "sleeping" with "lifeless." It's interesting in the sense that the word "sleeping" suggests that the person is able to resurrect. If they were just "lifeless," they'd probably believe in nihilism.