Just In
for The Millionaire's Proposition

9/5/2017 c26 ButFirstCoffee
Stumbled across some of your other stories recently (again!) and then wanted to read more! This was a cute little story that was enjoyable to read!
6/24/2014 c26 sue
Just found this story n read it omg really enjoyed it, loved both characters fantastic read
10/14/2013 c26 3TheClosetWriter16
Yay! Amazing chapter :D
10/10/2013 c26 Reader101
It has been ages since you updated but boy did you blow it out of the park with this one! You did pre-warn us that this was coming but I feel slightly heartbroken that it has. These feel like two old friends we've followed for years and here it is all over. I hope you write us an epilogue just so we have one last moment with them.
10/9/2013 c26 1leavesfallingup
Wow, after such a long dry period of no updates, you certainly threw in a zinger when you finally did update! Is it completely over, or will there be at least one more chapter? It feels to abrupt like this, after chapters and chapters of angst.

I do like this story, though I'll need to go back and re-read the whole thing in order to get the whole picture again.
9/19/2013 c25 9Jason Bloom
A fantastic idea, maybe a little of editing would be useful. You have the most unorthodox use of exclamation points in narration I have ever seen, but what gives, you know? Keep writing, keep breathing, and update more often.
9/12/2013 c25 Sweet Pea
I just read your story its really awesome hope u update soon! xox
7/24/2013 c25 1Xandria Cosette
This story has gotten better the more chapters who have written up. I'll admit at first that I winced a few times because words were wrong or the word you put didn't allow for the sentence to flow. I'm not talking about spellings since we might be "speaking" two different versions of English. Honestly I haven't seen you're bio. Hah hah... ('.')' But I do hope you update and finish this story soon, as I said it has come along nicely and I can't wait till you finish it. :)
7/7/2013 c25 2Clawstrike590
7/2/2013 c25 Sheryl
Oh my god this made me neglect my homework and I'm not even guilty!

This story is so well written and well paced I just want to creepily- lick it up.

I do have a problem though, I don't really like how Bailey (whenever she has her bitchy moments) go from sullen to fire bitch in 5 seconds. I feel that that transition is too fast and spontaneous and that her temper is weirdly out of control.

7/1/2013 c25 10DreamsOnlyLastForTheNight
I really enjoy reading this story! You're characters are portrayed very realistically. The way you switch through Baily and Wolf's POV is done very smoothly and it's nice to see inside both of their heads! Both of their internal dialogue is interesting and also gives a little more insight into themselves and their personality that they don't show to the other characters (including each other). This makes your story seem even more realistic!

I have notice many different grammatical errors though. Sometimes when you are talking about Wolf you'll use female pronouns, and sometimes when you talk about Bailey you'll use male pronouns. Also, once in a while you'll miss a word in a sentence or use a wrong word (like in one chapter you were trying to talk about Wolf's skin and instead said hair). These mistakes are definitely noticeable because they are frequent but they don't distract from the story line!

Anyway, I really like this story and I hope you update soon! :)
4/25/2013 c1 Guest
Plz update... I wanna know wat happens nxt
4/19/2013 c25 The Real Jackie-O
i lovvvvee this story please dont forget bout us lol
3/24/2013 c25 1DeadlyKitten2021
OOOOOOOHHH YOU CANT STOP THERE KEEP GOING WOOHOO ;P Please lolz i really enjoy reading this and i really need more so emm yeah
3/23/2013 c25 Darla
This is one great interesting story can't wait for the next chapter
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