Just In
for My Roommate's Shoes

7/31/2014 c10 2auroraglider
What a rebel. This was a cute chapter.
7/31/2014 c8 auroraglider
That was pretty hot. Great,great chapter.
7/31/2014 c6 auroraglider
oh wow, I thought for sure he was going to kiss her. Great chapter.
7/31/2014 c5 auroraglider
Im glad that Bella is going to the party that Jessica invited her to. However, the party her Mom wants her to attend sounds like a set up.
7/30/2014 c3 auroraglider
I wonder why Lucas didn't tell Jessica about his running into Bella.
7/30/2014 c2 auroraglider
So Bella thought that Lucas was a one-night-stand of Jessica's? Or maybe she thought he was merely a platonic friend. She felt uncomfortable just remembering Lucas seeing her topless, wait until he and Jessica watch that movie together.
7/30/2014 c1 auroraglider
I hate when that happens, undressing then realizing you have to leave the bathroom to get a towel. I already like this story so far.
10/29/2013 c2 Guest
I may only be on the second chapter but I really like it so far, plus i couldn't stand the fact that someone else would be the 500th reveiwer.
8/17/2013 c34 JaeShin
gapes ...
Nooooo... I was really hoping that they would end up together... But truly, it's the author's talent that made me feel so, which means that you are one extraordinary writer..
Keep up the amazing work!

Jae Shin
8/17/2013 c30 JaeShin
Wooooo! Matthew's not gay (not that I have anything against gays, but if Matthew were gay, there would be no chance of Isabella and Matthew happening...)! pops open a bottle of champagne and lights a box of fireworks
8/17/2013 c28 JaeShin
I feel like Jessica should have been the one to slam the door, because it *was* Isabella who kissed her boyfriend behind her back and hooked up with him not long after they broke up...
8/17/2013 c27 JaeShin
Noooooo! Please don't Matthew gay! (Never mind the fact that this story is probably already finished...) Matthew has to end up with Isabella!
8/17/2013 c23 JaeShin
Ugh... Is it bad that I want Isabella to end up with Matthew?
8/17/2013 c19 JaeShin
twiddles fingers
Ooh... I'm now leaning toward Matthew/Isabella now... _
7/5/2013 c34 1nerdyninjaunicorn
Haha! Loved the ending! I seriously read this in one day, and I absolutely loved it! I'm going to check out the sequel!
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