Just In
for My Roommate's Shoes

4/22/2012 c23 2Potestas1335
I really like this story, i don't review much, only when i really wanna. So yeah, i lost this story for awhile but i'm happy i found it, keep updating... please?
4/22/2012 c23 7AMessofPickles
Great chapter, but grrr...Bella is kind of annoying me again. I mean, honestly she just needs to get with Matthew into Lucas.

I feel really bad for Matthew also just because she keeps on lying to everyone about what they are. First their dates, then friend dates, then together, and then I dunno where they are now. But yeah, poor Matthew because it must be annoying for him too. I felt so bad for him at the end.

But I guess it isn't all Bella's fault because, well, they haven't exactly talked about their status really...

But grr, she gets me mad because she can't feel bad about Matthew's disappointed expression when she spent SO much time with the wedding and ended up with that tool, Lucas.

And Lucas bothers me too because he's NOT GOOD ENOUGH for Bella. I dunno, I feel like he wouldn't give her what she wants, and how can you trust a guy when he cheated on his girlfriend to be with YOU? I mean if he's cheated once then he can do it again.

Argh, okay sorry I'll stop now. But other than my feelings towards your characters I really liked this chapter. It was wonderfully written as usual and I really love Anna. She's great, and so is Matthew.

Update soon so we can see Bella make better decisions! :D
4/22/2012 c23 2iminfinite
Awesome chapter!

I'm definitely liking Mathew better then Lucas, which is something I thought I'd never say, but yeah... He does seem like the type of guy that only wants her for the sex X|

But anyways, I'll be waiting as patiently as possible for your update next week (:

Your writing is really amazing by the way (:

4/22/2012 c23 reader
Lucas is beginning to grate on my nerves, he seems so flaky.

Poor Matthew, Bella get your shit together!
4/22/2012 c23 maria ebisan
I dislike Lucas now cause of how hes changed her and I think he doesn't love her because first of all he asked her to go back to his place which means he just wants u know hint ... hint. but yeah Bella made the wrong decision but I don't blame her.
4/22/2012 c23 1sailorsweetart
Now I'm happy! But also a little sad for Matthew. He deserves a great significant other. Hopefully he finds one?

YAY! update soon!
4/22/2012 c23 nicole7579
wow what an appropriate title for the chapter. Izzy is "that girl" indeed. and what's even sadder is that Lucas says all the right things to get what he wants and she cannot see past feeling desired. Poor Matt is being used and abused by a girl he has feelings for. I hope he doesn't rescue Izzy again...she needs to fix her own problems for once (esp since she is headed for trouble with Lucas)

I felt the same way as Matt at the end of the chapter...disappointed :(
4/22/2012 c23 ARulzz
Okay. It's official. I hate Lucas. I mean, c'mon. That guy was kissing Bella just a few minutes ago and now he is flirting with Martina and the grls? Isn't it obvious tht wht he is going 2 do is a one night stand? Plus Bella figured out Matt looked disappointed. So can't she get a clue? If not, she's way 2 dense 2 b a human. Or a grl. C'mon. Everyone can know others' thoughts if they look into their eyes. Trust me. I want Lucas dead. Actually killed is more appealing. He's way to his home. He's wasted. When he was crossing the road, a vehicle hit him and BAM he's dead. That's okay. Or Matt punched him a lot of times and kicked him and finally killed him. Appealing but Matt will go to jail. Matt beating him to blood pulp. Very appealing and no obstacles. I like tht. Can u do tht? Please? *puppy-dog eyes*







4/18/2012 c22 ARulzz
I think the woman Matt lose his chance with is Bella. I know I may be wrong but hey I said I think, right? U're story is totally cool. Butcould you make Bella act more like herself? I mean, in all the stories nowadays the grl swoons as soon as she looks into some man's eyes and a blush creep up to her face. U know what, it's getting boring to read that every single story. So would you please reduce the intimacy b/w Bella and all other men except Matt? It would be appreciated. Thank You.

4/16/2012 c22 5thebrownie
I'm just saying that in my humble and irrelevant opinion, Lucas is irrelevant and Matthew has got it going on.


(update soon)
4/14/2012 c22 1gypsygirl615
I love this story. I love the different characters and how you have developed them and intertwined them. I also enjoy the scenes and am craving for more. Keep up the good work and update soon!
4/13/2012 c22 Sweatered5Hatchets
I really want Bella to be with Matthew!

Matthew for the win! :)
4/13/2012 c22 maria ebisan
omg i loved that chapter. I know people are going to me hating but i kinda like Lucas's bad boy attitude. But pushing him aside,I want Bella to be with Matthew :)
4/13/2012 c12 blissful life
I's like to say that I REALLY like MAtthew! :)

even from the beginning..

not sure about Lucas though
4/12/2012 c22 delight.full
Just started reading your story, and I'm hoping that there will be an update soon! Matt is really starting to show his worth now isn't he? I think he's the one for Anna even if she doesn't realize it. Lucas seems like the quick burning hot flame, but those are the kinds that burn out just as quick as they come. At least that's sort of what I'm hoping will be the case here. There's just something of about him that I don't like. Looking forward to reading the upcoming chapter.
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