Just In
for My Roommate's Shoes

10/30/2012 c34 missyb1988
Amazing, loved it. Glad you finally updated I was hooked on this story. So glad your doing a sequel /cos I really wanted her with Matthew :) Your truly an excellent writer can't wait update soon :)
10/29/2012 c1 Kaliya14
Luv the story
10/29/2012 c34 3xXLonelyBeeXx
I loved the ending! It was sweet! Can't wait for the sequel though :) All in all I loved this story more than my mother. Just kidding! But for real it was really good. I loved all the twists and turns like at first i was lucas/bella and I thought matthew was some random dude but then I was inbetween with a hate for jess and finally I loved Matthew and Bella, and Jess was My fave character so REALLY good story, keep it up and hurry that sequel up!

Luv ya! XOXO
10/29/2012 c34 LisAngel83
honestly...I'm a little dissappointed, but I guess the way you've ended it there is hope for a sequel. I mean I get it, "logically" her jumping into any relationship after everything wouldn't be believable, but Matthew is pretty freakin awesome. (once again why I'm hopeful for a sequel). This is semi-closure, and not that every story needs a happily ever after...but one can always hope.
10/29/2012 c34 stuck in bed
I think your story has gone through a lot of twists and turns. I believe that was mainly because this started off as a one shot so you didn't have an extensive plan to begin with. So I do think that there is still much room for edit, due to inconsistencies, though I did like how you tied your story together by reminding the author of Lucas' shoe. So, your story does have some cons but...it was still very addicting. And enjoyable. Therefore, I'm adding you to my author alerts because I am interested in reading your sequel. I wish you all the best in your writing!
10/29/2012 c34 1Amy90
LOL, she's being so stupid. She's completely in love with Matt, but she's in denial. Jessica should tell Matt her theory, I'm sure this would help him hold on. Just in case the kiss didn't give it away. :D
Great chapter! Can't wait for more! :)
10/29/2012 c34 mylittleprincess
can't wait for the sequel.
10/29/2012 c34 ARulzz
i don't think u should end this one bcuz u haven't reached a real ending. u just wrote sth & said completed like u don't want 2 continue this anymore. i'm not saying a happy ending but this is definitely not the ending u call 'good'. i'm sry, it hurts, i know. but this ending is kinda shallow. one tht a nut-head would write. u should re-write it or at least make its sequel better. i don't expect the best, but i want u 2 use ur full potential. sry but u should.

10/29/2012 c34 delight.full
Not an ending I expected at all! But now that I know there will be a sequel it makes more sense. Looking forward to reading about Bella and Matthew!
10/29/2012 c34 3StaNdUPtomE
Yes their does need to be a sequel a lot of... unfinished buisness.

But it ended how it should have, she would nave never just flipped to Matthew, I mean it took her forever to get with Lucas... its just who she is...

So can't wait for more! I'll be waiting
10/29/2012 c34 Asrialth
Oh my god, I can't believe it is already the end! I totally loved the entire story. I haven't reviewed every chapter individually, and I'm sorry for that. I always want everyone to do that with my stories and now I failed to do it with yours. But it's the thought that counts, isn't it?
And my thoughts are: I think you should publish it. Write a sequel, send it to a publisher and find yourself on the shelves next to Stephenie Meyer, E.L. James and Marianne Keyes. Though your writing is better than Meyer's and exceptionally better than James's (Fifty Shades sucked big time).
I always dreamed of writing a story that I'd actually finish, and I'm infinitally jealous that you did it with seemingly so little effort. I say seemingly, because I can believe it was a hard process.
Anyhow, I loved it. I was a little bit in dubio about the end, though, since I wanted to simultaneously punch you for not getting Bella and Matt together and praise you for not ending this story like the next ordinary chicklit. My inner swoony girl wanted Matt and Bella to kiss and make up, of course. But at the same time I'm a sceptist about all the women's books and movies where the main characters always get together in the end. Your ending was a more.. unconventional one. And a more realistic one. I liked that.
Anyhow, I'd say: send it to Little, Brown and Company and make yourself rich :) You did a great job.
Eline Aka Asrialth
10/29/2012 c34 foxyricanlady
Ok.. ammmm im not sure where to to start but here it goes nothing. When I started reading this story I really liked it but in the last few chapters its gotten dull and kind of boring. I dont sound mean or anything I just think you can do better. Bella is becoming a clichè and jess is like that slutting high school girl that it so dump and want all the attancion. And matt is a little to nice. I just hope you can bring them back to what really made me like this story so much.
10/19/2012 c33 missyb1988
Omg amazing! I have been reading this none stop today. I knew lucas was a sleaze and glad she likes matt :) Please hurry with the last chapter, don't think I can wait lol!
10/17/2012 c33 mylittlePRINCESS
great chapter!
10/15/2012 c33 6deadkitty1
Glad she's sorting her thoughts. Don't want her to jump right in when she's not fully committed.
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