Just In
for My Roommate's Shoes

10/14/2012 c33 nicole7579
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh FINALLY
geez bella finally gets a clue. and yay matt for stepping up.
I was seriously wondering where this story went and we only have ONE CHAPTER?! I hope the sequel will be about bella and matt making their relationship work. bella still has a lot of growing up to do and we don't know enough about matt.
and hopefully more insight on jessica. I'm loving the bella/jessica honest friendship. i would love to see jessica's character built up more.
10/14/2012 c33 delight.full
Best chapter yet. Matthew is such a great match for Bella. Can't wait to read the next update!
10/14/2012 c33 1Amy90
Nice chapter! Can't wait to read the next one. I'm SOOOO glad Matt finally grew some and told her. And Ihope Bella'll come to her senses soon and realize that she's in love with him too... ;)
10/14/2012 c33 foxyricanlady
Yeah i love sequels... Please update soon
10/2/2012 c1 Guest
Well, you know what they say about a guy with small feet...
9/23/2012 c32 Amy90
Yay! Finally Matt makes his move!
But she still needs to react. I understand she might be stunned /shocked since she did believe Matt was gay for some time. But what now? You can't stop writing like this!
Getting rid of writer's block? How about a make-out session with your muse? :P
9/8/2012 c32 6deadkitty1
I've been trying to invent a writer's block pill but it has been unsuccessful as of late. haha!

That was some crazy fight and the kiss was totally unexpected! I think it was a pretty good chapter and something for Bella to think about. I really hopes she makes doesn't screw it up again.
9/7/2012 c32 MyCupofTea
*happy flailint*
*flails some more*
9/5/2012 c32 1VioletEcho13
Would have reviewed last chapter but I was a tad bit busy being in Guatemala

Anywho, bravo! Your hard work really paid off! I like Matt's reaction to Lucas and practically cheered at the punch (I would have done the saaame thing man)

Ah Bella. Your stupidity use to mildly annoy me, now it just amuses me.

If only I had a twitter! I don't plan on getting one though, so I'll just stick with being pleasantly surprised with updates.
Usually when I get writer's block, I either draw a bunch of stuff relevant to what I need to write, read other people's stories, or do a bunch of writing memes. Those usually give me some motivation/ideas eventually.
9/5/2012 c32 mylittleprincess
awesome! yay update fast.
9/4/2012 c32 delight.full
Finally! Been waiting for this kiss to finally happen, and for him to admit his feelings. Bella is a naive idiot at times, but you just can't help it that you want to root for her. I sincerely hope that she embraces this new information in the next chapter. Can't wait for your next update.
9/4/2012 c32 3xXLonelyBeeXx
I loved this chapter! DOn't lose hope! Just keep up the good work!
9/4/2012 c32 reader
wooooooooooooooo! matt & bella
9/4/2012 c32 1glitterypower
this is so good :D ! lovee itttttt
9/4/2012 c32 devs
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