Just In
for My Roommate's Shoes

8/7/2012 c30 westerosi
Wow, this is great! Good writing and I haven't seen much grammatical errors, except for some missing 'r' in 'your.' But I like the pacing and the feel of the story a lot! Haha when Bella first saw Matt at the bar I had the feeling he was gay (because of the mention of Charlie) but damn, he ia such a sweetheart! I really did enjoy this, and wish that you'll update soon.
8/7/2012 c30 6deadkitty1
Matthew is too good to be true. No doubt his impression of Bella has changed but sometimes I wanna smack him for being so forgiving! Although I do want them to end up together, I hope Matthew doesn't let her get him that easily. He's done nothing but been an exemplary friend to her and he needs to be paid back. In full.
8/6/2012 c30 3Tigrah
I love your story it is utterly amazing, slightly disturbing at times, but still amazing! Matt is at least infinity times more amazing than Lucas ever was, and I'm not just saying that because he's a liar and a cheater. Well it is undeniable that you're an amazing author so there is no point in me telling you even though I am thinking it. ;P Continue the good work I am anxious to see if the fake date leads to something real. ;)
8/6/2012 c30 absinthe21
qagvdhgsacsoadhu f WRITE MORE. NOWWWW
8/5/2012 c30 nevermore1330
Leaveing a review good job love the flow now make my day and updatee again yay!
8/5/2012 c30 delight.full
Oh Matthew.. makes me adore him that much more. I'm glad that Bella and Jess are on their way to mending their friendship. Looking forward to seeing how the 'date' goes!
8/5/2012 c30 1Mariposa-12
I'm sooo glad they told him the truth instead of just lying. I guess that Jess noticed that Matthew is actually into Bella. Ahh can't wait to see how everything will turn out! Please update soon! Thanks for this one!
; )
8/5/2012 c30 Littlechin
Hey there! i really enjoyed this chapter. After leaving up with a cliff hanger two chapters ago I was dying. Also the chapter before this was kinda a let down, the immaturity of Bella's diary writing were just unbearable. But this chapter really redeemed that by showing how human Matthew is. Unlike in other stories, he acted shamed by Bella's behavior. Anyway I am really enjoying your writing and looking forward to the next update!
8/5/2012 c30 mylittleprincess
can't wait for next chapter, update update.
8/5/2012 c30 1sailorsweetart
Alright, Matthew is on board! YAY :D Awesome. Now we can carry out the mission!

Great job on the chapter!
8/5/2012 c30 izziet
yay. how i love you, matthew!
update soon!

luv izziet
8/5/2012 c30 1Amy90
Totally loved this one. And yay! he's going to help them...
8/5/2012 c30 1VioletEcho13
It's good to get things off your chest

Ah Matthew's such a gentleman

Just a note though, straight men and gay men eat the same things you know.
8/5/2012 c30 Guest
Can't wait to find out how Lucas reacts to everything! I hope you update really soon! I hate waiting. haha
8/5/2012 c30 Sweatered5Hatchets
seeing an email today that you updated the story, made my birthday all the more special, thanks!
the chapter was great, and can't wait to read when matthew helps bella
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