Just In
for Her Prince Charming

6/28/2010 c6 3theauthor94
The song part made me cry...

6/28/2010 c5 theauthor94

Love it love it loveit!1

You are amazing and i love this story!

And i thought it was so funny cuz the chapter before this one i was saying how jayden needed a man hahah.

6/28/2010 c4 theauthor94
Love this story!

Hope Jayden gets himself a man.

And I hope sam gets out of denial soon!
6/27/2010 c2 theauthor94

LOVE IT! You rock
3/29/2010 c4 3charmedblush
Great so far! My friend recommended a list of the best ones and this was on it and she is right; but I would have to say that from what I've been reading so far, yours seems to have the least amount of grammatical errors - sorry I'm a spelling/grammar pedantic freak- out of the ones my friend suggested on her list
3/4/2010 c8 5christinaxxyo
I'm really enjoying the story so far, especially the characters, but there is one thing that bothers me. At the beginning, Samara says, "I don't want a Prince Charming" or something along those lines but in this chapter, she calls Gabe her 'Prince Charming'. Also, in another chapter, Samara called herself 'intimidating' but at the beginning of the story, she says she's 'likable' and that guys didn't go for her because she was so 'nice'. It doesn't really fit and is pretty confusing. I understand that it's hard to remember every single thing you write but these seemed like major details that should remain concrete throughout the entire story. Besides this and some other details, I'm liking the story :)
3/3/2010 c1 christinaxxyo
You got me hooked from the very first sentence, partially because I believe in the same thing (now, not when I was a little girl) and because it was just so catchy. I'm really excited to read this story because it reminds me of one of my stories that I'm currently stuck on. I'm not planning on copying you or anything, just so you know. I'm just hoping for some inspiration and I think that you're a really good writer so that's also a reason why. :)
2/28/2010 c9 DA-chen1
Hey Kara!

I really like your idea and your characters, too.

But what I really dislike is the fact that all friends of Gabriel have to say something.. what he should do, what kind of mistakes he made..

It must be really annoying to have such friends.. When I want to critize something on a friend of mine, then I will speak to him privately..

Well, it's your choice but I dunno.. it goes on my nerves!

1/30/2010 c24 TheGrayRook
There were times when I was reading this when I forgot that it wasn't an actual, hardcover, I-Can-Hold-In-My-Hands-And-Place-On-My-Bookshelf book. It was completely amazing and I found myself laughing and crying throughout the story. It is incredibly well written and I love it - plain and simple. :D
1/18/2010 c24 Elf or Vixen

i loved this story so much

well done

1/9/2010 c23 1writinglover419
I liked it a lot.
1/9/2010 c24 7Scarlet Dawn
I loved this story! It should be published I swear it's so good!
1/6/2010 c12 1writinglover419
EK! Love it!
1/6/2010 c11 writinglover419
1/6/2010 c6 writinglover419
I like it!
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