Just In
for Dr Pepper, What's the Worst that Could Happen?

12/23/2017 c1 Guest
It's one of the best fanfics I've read so far...the right amount of humour,craziness and sarcasm
11/8/2012 c1 heal me forever
4/27/2011 c1 13MADdreamers
All your stories are so cute and hilarious. I like how quirky your characters can be. I wish I could'be read more of Lucas and Rosy though. Anways, great story and thanks for sharing it!
11/2/2010 c1 4charminglyxquirky
AWW this was adorable! :) I really enjoyed it, and I loved how quirky the girl was.
10/4/2010 c1 xXxBeautifullyBrokenxXx
Aww. Cute!(:

I love all your stories! (:

& We don't call it 'sky' where I live.

It's 'waterfall'. Haha. [x
1/25/2010 c1 3BethyT
This was so interesting. And very original. I liked it a lot. it refreshed me, and you get mad props for pineapple. It's just about the best fruit on this planet and Mars.

Great job.
12/19/2009 c1 3GinnyJ12
awesum! =]
12/19/2009 c1 ghurl00
This oneshot is so random, but I love it anyway!=)
11/26/2009 c1 19toffeecakesxox



hahaha, i love Rosy.

& Lucas.

&& Rosy and Lucas :]
11/17/2009 c1 13Aaerie
dammit she didnt even get a second date
10/13/2009 c1 1Jerenda
Hey, this was really good. It was quite entertaining. ^_^ I have to say, I dunno what a sky is, around my place we call it a waterfall. Like "Sure you can have a drink, just waterfall." or "Can I steal some of your soda? I'll waterfall!" etc etc.

Just randomly commentating... and avoiding doing any actual work...

“You’re good.”

Makes no sense. FYI.

Okay I really have to get back to work. I'm sorry I can't give you a full-fledged review right now, writing essays (fun!), but here's me saying it was pretty amazing and I like the characters (very believable) and yeah. Good work! ^_^
9/11/2009 c1 Copril
This is great! I love the way Rosy acts, she's so weird. Ah, and the Dr. Pepper line. What can I say? Genius.
9/10/2009 c1 8Owl of the Night
I liked that. Everything she says actually reminds me of a convorsation i had just a while ago...

The last few lines seemed a bit choppy to me, but other than that, I thought it was great!
9/8/2009 c1 14jenjen-0
First of all: a little parting? No.

How will I survive? I'll have to focus on starting uni in under 2 weeks...

But yes, lovely little one shot! The pineapple was genius :P
9/8/2009 c1 BornAverage
Take a sky? Like how some say here in America,

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