12/23/2017 c1 Guest
It's one of the best fanfics I've read so far...the right amount of humour,craziness and sarcasm
It's one of the best fanfics I've read so far...the right amount of humour,craziness and sarcasm
4/27/2011 c1
All your stories are so cute and hilarious. I like how quirky your characters can be. I wish I could'be read more of Lucas and Rosy though. Anways, great story and thanks for sharing it!

All your stories are so cute and hilarious. I like how quirky your characters can be. I wish I could'be read more of Lucas and Rosy though. Anways, great story and thanks for sharing it!
11/2/2010 c1
AWW this was adorable! :) I really enjoyed it, and I loved how quirky the girl was.

AWW this was adorable! :) I really enjoyed it, and I loved how quirky the girl was.
10/4/2010 c1 xXxBeautifullyBrokenxXx
Aww. Cute!(:
I love all your stories! (:
& We don't call it 'sky' where I live.
It's 'waterfall'. Haha. [x
Aww. Cute!(:
I love all your stories! (:
& We don't call it 'sky' where I live.
It's 'waterfall'. Haha. [x
1/25/2010 c1
This was so interesting. And very original. I liked it a lot. it refreshed me, and you get mad props for pineapple. It's just about the best fruit on this planet and Mars.
Great job.

This was so interesting. And very original. I liked it a lot. it refreshed me, and you get mad props for pineapple. It's just about the best fruit on this planet and Mars.
Great job.
11/26/2009 c1
hahaha, i love Rosy.
& Lucas.
&& Rosy and Lucas :]

hahaha, i love Rosy.
& Lucas.
&& Rosy and Lucas :]
10/13/2009 c1
Hey, this was really good. It was quite entertaining. ^_^ I have to say, I dunno what a sky is, around my place we call it a waterfall. Like "Sure you can have a drink, just waterfall." or "Can I steal some of your soda? I'll waterfall!" etc etc.
Just randomly commentating... and avoiding doing any actual work...
“You’re good.”
Makes no sense. FYI.
Okay I really have to get back to work. I'm sorry I can't give you a full-fledged review right now, writing essays (fun!), but here's me saying it was pretty amazing and I like the characters (very believable) and yeah. Good work! ^_^

Hey, this was really good. It was quite entertaining. ^_^ I have to say, I dunno what a sky is, around my place we call it a waterfall. Like "Sure you can have a drink, just waterfall." or "Can I steal some of your soda? I'll waterfall!" etc etc.
Just randomly commentating... and avoiding doing any actual work...
“You’re good.”
Makes no sense. FYI.
Okay I really have to get back to work. I'm sorry I can't give you a full-fledged review right now, writing essays (fun!), but here's me saying it was pretty amazing and I like the characters (very believable) and yeah. Good work! ^_^
9/11/2009 c1 Copril
This is great! I love the way Rosy acts, she's so weird. Ah, and the Dr. Pepper line. What can I say? Genius.
This is great! I love the way Rosy acts, she's so weird. Ah, and the Dr. Pepper line. What can I say? Genius.
9/10/2009 c1
8Owl of the Night
I liked that. Everything she says actually reminds me of a convorsation i had just a while ago...
The last few lines seemed a bit choppy to me, but other than that, I thought it was great!

I liked that. Everything she says actually reminds me of a convorsation i had just a while ago...
The last few lines seemed a bit choppy to me, but other than that, I thought it was great!