Just In
for Tease

1/29/2010 c25 1Damned to heaven
Damn, I was wrong but I guess hardly anyone thought it was her. Carl shouldn't have done a runner, gave himself away. Great read. Now when will it be hitting shelves? ;)
1/29/2010 c12 damned to heaven
I'm in too much of a hurry to finish this hence the unsigned review. Possible killers: Tess's brother (he did hate her job right? And didn't seem to like the idea of a cop around.), Phillip- the obvious one...and Ted? Lol although with the last one I think Righteous Kills the movie may have frazzled my brain.
1/24/2010 c25 QuantumGlow
Very well written. Extremely awesome plot. Never suspected Michelle..
1/24/2010 c7 QuantumGlow
And the suspense just keeps building.

Your plot line reminds me a little of Blink..
1/24/2010 c2 QuantumGlow
Beautifully written. Only the second chapter and I'm already hooked.
1/10/2010 c25 AJ southern
lovely ending... not too rushed. one of your better stories :)
1/3/2010 c25 1dusted
Aw, I love the ending. (:

Then again, I'm a sucker for happy endings.

But what happens to poor Coty? D: Does she ever get better? :/
1/2/2010 c4 dusted
Wait, I'm just a tad bit confused. In the first Chapter, was the quiet guy that always requested to sit in Tess's section just some random guy, or was he Detective Werner?

Because he was Grady, why didn't she recognize him?
1/1/2010 c25 14Sapphyre Nymph
this was wonderful...
1/1/2010 c25 7miss-life
I really liked the ending and the different P.V! It was cool to see what Grady's up too ;)

12/29/2009 c25 animegirl214
oh~ Thanks SO much for this awesome story! :D

:D :D :D

u never cease to amaze me with all of your amazing stories and ur tremendous writing skills! ;P

Thanks again and hope you have a sequel soon! :D :D :)
12/28/2009 c1 Fan
Love it =)
12/28/2009 c25 10Sabreal


will be looking out for the sequel, defo.

and please don't laugh TOO much at all the wild guesses I was making earlier on. I've never really been good at guessing at who the killer is in any story or show except CSI.

Damn CSI for being predictable :)
12/28/2009 c23 Sabreal

omg, i feel so stupid now. How the hell could I have assumed it was Philip and Mitch! It was Carl and Michelle all along! omg omg omg

Wow, you've suceeded in pulling the wool over my eyes. I think this deserves a place in my favs for that very reason :)

I hope Tess is saved, please please please!
12/28/2009 c22 Sabreal
I'm out of the loop now...

A WOMAN? Boy, why didn't I think of that? How can I be so sexist to my own gender group?

This has so many twists, I love it. I'm going to shut up with my predictions now and see how this plays out.


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