3/17/2010 c7
Awesome job cheese twin I cant wait to see what Elizebeth does its getting really exciting and I cant wait for the next update! Update soon!

Awesome job cheese twin I cant wait to see what Elizebeth does its getting really exciting and I cant wait for the next update! Update soon!
1/15/2010 c6 cheeselover827
Snapadoo chees twin that was amazing. the only mistake found was in the beggingin when you say the eyes were sown on, sown is actually spelled sewn. But that was it! Nothing elese! You did a really good job on this chapter I really loved it, I coulnd't stop reading! please update soon1 I want o know what happens next!
Snapadoo chees twin that was amazing. the only mistake found was in the beggingin when you say the eyes were sown on, sown is actually spelled sewn. But that was it! Nothing elese! You did a really good job on this chapter I really loved it, I coulnd't stop reading! please update soon1 I want o know what happens next!
12/31/2009 c5
5Ms. Poe
You know, sometimes, I am seriously just in awe of your writing. It's simply so amazing how you can write about so many different subjects from so many different perspectives - and do it all so WELL, too. And then how quickly you're absorbing all my grammar corrections for you and then using it to improve your writing - because, trust me, I know from experience that a lot of people really wouldn't try that hard and do that well. Awesome. It's just utter awesomeness.
I just thought I should mention all that, because sometimes, when I find really good stories, I just get so into them that I forget to mention to the author just HOW good they are. And so, now, I shall go PM you today's grammar corrections. Because I'm pretty sure stupid FP is going to start glitching up again any second now. Man, I hate so much how it does that.
Yep. Doing it right now. Crap. Well, adios for now, then, chica ...

You know, sometimes, I am seriously just in awe of your writing. It's simply so amazing how you can write about so many different subjects from so many different perspectives - and do it all so WELL, too. And then how quickly you're absorbing all my grammar corrections for you and then using it to improve your writing - because, trust me, I know from experience that a lot of people really wouldn't try that hard and do that well. Awesome. It's just utter awesomeness.
I just thought I should mention all that, because sometimes, when I find really good stories, I just get so into them that I forget to mention to the author just HOW good they are. And so, now, I shall go PM you today's grammar corrections. Because I'm pretty sure stupid FP is going to start glitching up again any second now. Man, I hate so much how it does that.
Yep. Doing it right now. Crap. Well, adios for now, then, chica ...
12/16/2009 c5
SNAPADOO! that was an exciting yet confusing at some parts. It was amazing though i loved it.

SNAPADOO! that was an exciting yet confusing at some parts. It was amazing though i loved it.
11/12/2009 c4
5Ms. Poe
Oh, wow. Um, yeah, that's some very nice imagary there, Laurie.
By the way, I've got all the grammar corrections listed for you (not so many of them this time; seems to be less and less with each chapter ;] ) and shall be sending them in un momento ...

Oh, wow. Um, yeah, that's some very nice imagary there, Laurie.
By the way, I've got all the grammar corrections listed for you (not so many of them this time; seems to be less and less with each chapter ;] ) and shall be sending them in un momento ...
11/7/2009 c4
Wow. Graphic. But really good. This story is really interesting. I cant wait for the next update!

Wow. Graphic. But really good. This story is really interesting. I cant wait for the next update!
10/26/2009 c3
5Ms. Poe
Hm, let me see if I can fit it into my schedule ...
Nah, I'm just joking. I AM a little busy now (seems like I'm never NOT busy lately ... ), but of COURSE I shall find time to help you out with your grammar and typos, darling. :D I'll do as much of it as I can today, but I may just have to get it all done over the course of several days, 'kay? ;)

Hm, let me see if I can fit it into my schedule ...
Nah, I'm just joking. I AM a little busy now (seems like I'm never NOT busy lately ... ), but of COURSE I shall find time to help you out with your grammar and typos, darling. :D I'll do as much of it as I can today, but I may just have to get it all done over the course of several days, 'kay? ;)
10/25/2009 c3
Hey cheese twin! ZIP! Well just letting you know when she says shes savoring the flavor she said "Just so she cold savor the flavor" cold needs to be could. Well thats my correction. I realkly like this chapter Laurie its amazing you describe stuff so well its just AMAZING!
paco the talking taco

Hey cheese twin! ZIP! Well just letting you know when she says shes savoring the flavor she said "Just so she cold savor the flavor" cold needs to be could. Well thats my correction. I realkly like this chapter Laurie its amazing you describe stuff so well its just AMAZING!
paco the talking taco
10/13/2009 c2 cheeselover827
GASP! NOW I GET IT! ITS YOUR VAMPIRE STORY YOU HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT! Otay i get it now i was a little confused and i started thinking about this one story i read last year Beowolf. But its not its your vampire story ah im excited for this one! UPDATE SOON!
GASP! NOW I GET IT! ITS YOUR VAMPIRE STORY YOU HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT! Otay i get it now i was a little confused and i started thinking about this one story i read last year Beowolf. But its not its your vampire story ah im excited for this one! UPDATE SOON!
10/9/2009 c2
I really didnt expect the whole vampire thing. That was good. I really cant wait until the next chapter!

I really didnt expect the whole vampire thing. That was good. I really cant wait until the next chapter!
10/9/2009 c2
5Ms. Poe
Oh, I like it. And I like the twins, even though it doesn't really seem like either one of them is a very pleasant person ... I don't know. There's just something about them that I really like so far. Maybe it's just because they seem so real.
I'm a little too busy to go and point out all the typos and grammar errors for you today, but if you want me to, I can go back and do it sometime over the weekend, okay?
For now ... happy writing ;]

Oh, I like it. And I like the twins, even though it doesn't really seem like either one of them is a very pleasant person ... I don't know. There's just something about them that I really like so far. Maybe it's just because they seem so real.
I'm a little too busy to go and point out all the typos and grammar errors for you today, but if you want me to, I can go back and do it sometime over the weekend, okay?
For now ... happy writing ;]
9/25/2009 c1
4ashalayy aka freddi d
ah so this story is about vamps lolz wait.. i hope i didnt ruin that for anyone...

ah so this story is about vamps lolz wait.. i hope i didnt ruin that for anyone...
9/23/2009 c1
5Ms. Poe
I really almost started clapping when I saw that you'd just posted a new suspense/supernatural story. And I was SO not disappointed - you did an awesome job with this. So wonderfully, spine-chillingly creepy. I really, really hope you write more, and SOON. :D
However, I do feel the need to correct some grammar. Usually, I refrain because your stories are just so good regardless of grammatical errors, but I simply cannot help myself anymore.
First: Just a typo here, I think - "... which was shinning like a piece of metal glinting of the sun". I do believe you meant "glinting OFF".
Second: "... and if the feet was barely touching the ground at all." Did you mean "as if"? And "feet were" or possibly "foot was"? The subject and verb must agree, remember. Disagreements are not pretty in grammar.
Third: "... not wanting her child to be scared anymore then she already was." Well, first, that should be "than", if you're comparing something or whatever, not "then", which is used to indicate a particular time in the past or future. Also, "anymore" here should be "any more", two words. Let's see, how does my dictionary put it ... "Anymore is an adverb. The two-word form any more refers to any unspecified additional amount.”
Hmm, well, that’s not the clearest it could possibly be put, but I hope it gets the point across ...
Fourth: “The large figure however seemed oblivious to this ...” Commas, darling, don’t forget the commas. “The large figure, however, seemed oblivious to this ...” Doesn’t that flow just a little bit better? ;]
Fifth: “The bloody body of Anne Eileen, a simple girl who didn’t use her head, laid on the edge of the streets ...” Should be: “The bloody body of Anne Eileen, a simple girl who didn’t use her head, LAY on the edge of the streets.” You see, this is something I’ve had pounded into my head countless times over the last thirteen years: either someone/something LIES, or someone/something LAYS someone/something else. I hope that makes sense.
Now, I do believe that’s it. Jeesh, have you ever noticed how this thing totally freaks out after about 10 characters? Strange, fickle little cretin of a website.
So, I hope this has helped you; I’m not an official beta reader - yet - but (if you don’t already have a beta reader) I can continue to help you out with grammar and spelling and whatnot if you’d like.
Update soon. :)

I really almost started clapping when I saw that you'd just posted a new suspense/supernatural story. And I was SO not disappointed - you did an awesome job with this. So wonderfully, spine-chillingly creepy. I really, really hope you write more, and SOON. :D
However, I do feel the need to correct some grammar. Usually, I refrain because your stories are just so good regardless of grammatical errors, but I simply cannot help myself anymore.
First: Just a typo here, I think - "... which was shinning like a piece of metal glinting of the sun". I do believe you meant "glinting OFF".
Second: "... and if the feet was barely touching the ground at all." Did you mean "as if"? And "feet were" or possibly "foot was"? The subject and verb must agree, remember. Disagreements are not pretty in grammar.
Third: "... not wanting her child to be scared anymore then she already was." Well, first, that should be "than", if you're comparing something or whatever, not "then", which is used to indicate a particular time in the past or future. Also, "anymore" here should be "any more", two words. Let's see, how does my dictionary put it ... "Anymore is an adverb. The two-word form any more refers to any unspecified additional amount.”
Hmm, well, that’s not the clearest it could possibly be put, but I hope it gets the point across ...
Fourth: “The large figure however seemed oblivious to this ...” Commas, darling, don’t forget the commas. “The large figure, however, seemed oblivious to this ...” Doesn’t that flow just a little bit better? ;]
Fifth: “The bloody body of Anne Eileen, a simple girl who didn’t use her head, laid on the edge of the streets ...” Should be: “The bloody body of Anne Eileen, a simple girl who didn’t use her head, LAY on the edge of the streets.” You see, this is something I’ve had pounded into my head countless times over the last thirteen years: either someone/something LIES, or someone/something LAYS someone/something else. I hope that makes sense.
Now, I do believe that’s it. Jeesh, have you ever noticed how this thing totally freaks out after about 10 characters? Strange, fickle little cretin of a website.
So, I hope this has helped you; I’m not an official beta reader - yet - but (if you don’t already have a beta reader) I can continue to help you out with grammar and spelling and whatnot if you’d like.
Update soon. :)
9/22/2009 c1
Wow cheese twin that sounds really interesting and deadly and scary and whats with the name? Secertus how do you even pronuounce that? well im excited to see how this story turns out it sounds REALLY GOOD!

Wow cheese twin that sounds really interesting and deadly and scary and whats with the name? Secertus how do you even pronuounce that? well im excited to see how this story turns out it sounds REALLY GOOD!