10/1/2009 c1 10LyricsArePoetry
Hey Vicki, are you all right/has something happened/is there anything you wanna talk about? I'm always here if there is, and if you do ever wanna talk I won't repeat anything.
This is a fantastic poem, so no saying it's rubbish! It's very emotive, and it's gotme worried!
Hey Vicki, are you all right/has something happened/is there anything you wanna talk about? I'm always here if there is, and if you do ever wanna talk I won't repeat anything.
This is a fantastic poem, so no saying it's rubbish! It's very emotive, and it's gotme worried!
10/1/2009 c1 VisualCacophony
i never said thanks for reviewing my first poem, so i'll say 'thanks' right now ^^ i love your poem, it expresses emotions really well. The last line is perfect XD
i never said thanks for reviewing my first poem, so i'll say 'thanks' right now ^^ i love your poem, it expresses emotions really well. The last line is perfect XD