9/18/2016 c28 Guest
I'm over these people pissing and moaning about the author not posting the complete story. It takes a lot of time and effort to write a story (even 28 chapters) and most of the time the author has a busy life-be it work or family.
The fact that the author shared most of the story with you is amazing. Most people will expect someone to buy their books without a preview! And we have enough shitty authors selling books these days ( E L James for instance).
Appreciate the author for what they post. And you know what- if you liked the story and want to read more BUY IT! Stop bitching and support their work and effort by buying their book! If you don't want to buy it then let it go and imagine you own ending!
Finally Jennyt82 thank you for your effort, I really enjoyed the story and you are a very talented writer. I wish you the best and hope to see you published one day :)
I'm over these people pissing and moaning about the author not posting the complete story. It takes a lot of time and effort to write a story (even 28 chapters) and most of the time the author has a busy life-be it work or family.
The fact that the author shared most of the story with you is amazing. Most people will expect someone to buy their books without a preview! And we have enough shitty authors selling books these days ( E L James for instance).
Appreciate the author for what they post. And you know what- if you liked the story and want to read more BUY IT! Stop bitching and support their work and effort by buying their book! If you don't want to buy it then let it go and imagine you own ending!
Finally Jennyt82 thank you for your effort, I really enjoyed the story and you are a very talented writer. I wish you the best and hope to see you published one day :)
6/6/2016 c27 Guest
you are a mean person I don't know you personally and we live continents apart but this is just so baaad plagiarism is too but you should not do this to your readers
I've read all three series and it's very frustrating not to be able to finish them
I can't help but thing meanly (like you're just doing this so we buy your books)
I'm pissed
you are a mean person I don't know you personally and we live continents apart but this is just so baaad plagiarism is too but you should not do this to your readers
I've read all three series and it's very frustrating not to be able to finish them
I can't help but thing meanly (like you're just doing this so we buy your books)
I'm pissed
5/15/2016 c28 Yjofna
Good thing I take a peak at reviews before I actually read a story. It'd be such a disappointment to realize that the story isn't here anymore after reading A LOT of chapters. You really should put some kind of a warning on the FIRST chapter.
Good thing I take a peak at reviews before I actually read a story. It'd be such a disappointment to realize that the story isn't here anymore after reading A LOT of chapters. You really should put some kind of a warning on the FIRST chapter.
5/7/2016 c23 Katoo
Okay, plagiarism is not okay...
But at least put in the discription or the first chapter that the story isn't fully available here for free..
I started only reading 'completed' stories so i wouldnt read anything that suddenly stops halfway because i get invested in the story and it sucks.
I started reading an awesome story and suddenly it got deleted, then i start this and it's stopped halfway through.
Okay, plagiarism is not okay...
But at least put in the discription or the first chapter that the story isn't fully available here for free..
I started only reading 'completed' stories so i wouldnt read anything that suddenly stops halfway because i get invested in the story and it sucks.
I started reading an awesome story and suddenly it got deleted, then i start this and it's stopped halfway through.
3/23/2016 c1
It's kind of annoying because you're not "really" published but self published so it's not like I can go to a lib and read your work. There's only one platform and that's smash words :/
One of the things that sucks with being self published is your platform becomes super narrow. You could re-upload your work on wattpad (can't copy and paste) but it looks like you've abandoned FP so who knows haha.

It's kind of annoying because you're not "really" published but self published so it's not like I can go to a lib and read your work. There's only one platform and that's smash words :/
One of the things that sucks with being self published is your platform becomes super narrow. You could re-upload your work on wattpad (can't copy and paste) but it looks like you've abandoned FP so who knows haha.
2/22/2016 c27 Guest
This completely sucked. Not the story but the fact that you ended the story halfway without informing others in the beginning. I felt like I wasted a lot of my time reading through this. First flame I have ever given and a well deserved flame. It seems that I'm not the only one as I scroll through all of your reviews. Hope you have managed to sell off your book though I can't see anyone from fictionpress purchasing
This completely sucked. Not the story but the fact that you ended the story halfway without informing others in the beginning. I felt like I wasted a lot of my time reading through this. First flame I have ever given and a well deserved flame. It seems that I'm not the only one as I scroll through all of your reviews. Hope you have managed to sell off your book though I can't see anyone from fictionpress purchasing
8/21/2015 c1 Guest
Ugh, my finger slipped and i accidentally pressed the review butto prematurely. Lol its me again, the bitch who was talking about your victim blaming. Was i going to say was that i dont plan on delving any farther jnto your story because i have a bad feeling it's going to end up as a disturbing romanticism of stockholm syndrome. And abuse. Judging by the possesiveness of Ryan already shown and how he guiltlessly atempts to control Chloe, along with the way he ripped her away from hwr friends and family, this relationship is going to be abusive. And that's a shame. Because i doubt that is what you were going for with this story.
Ugh, my finger slipped and i accidentally pressed the review butto prematurely. Lol its me again, the bitch who was talking about your victim blaming. Was i going to say was that i dont plan on delving any farther jnto your story because i have a bad feeling it's going to end up as a disturbing romanticism of stockholm syndrome. And abuse. Judging by the possesiveness of Ryan already shown and how he guiltlessly atempts to control Chloe, along with the way he ripped her away from hwr friends and family, this relationship is going to be abusive. And that's a shame. Because i doubt that is what you were going for with this story.
8/21/2015 c5 Guest
Can we talk about how gross it is that Ryan just casually molested her? After breaking into her house? And he gets away with it because she ~belongs~ to him? Like what the fuck, actually. You do realize that hes the one who commited a crime by breaking into her house, and that having him blame her for his crime b/c her residence wasnt 'secure' enough is victim blaming, right? And you know that victim blaming isnt okay? At all. Ever. I really feel as if this story should be listed in the horror catagory b/c honestly the idea of being kidnapped by a man who has deluded himself into believing he owns me
is ABSOLUTLY TERRIFYING. Not romjantic. I dont plan reading any further, mostly because i have a feel thia story
Can we talk about how gross it is that Ryan just casually molested her? After breaking into her house? And he gets away with it because she ~belongs~ to him? Like what the fuck, actually. You do realize that hes the one who commited a crime by breaking into her house, and that having him blame her for his crime b/c her residence wasnt 'secure' enough is victim blaming, right? And you know that victim blaming isnt okay? At all. Ever. I really feel as if this story should be listed in the horror catagory b/c honestly the idea of being kidnapped by a man who has deluded himself into believing he owns me
is ABSOLUTLY TERRIFYING. Not romjantic. I dont plan reading any further, mostly because i have a feel thia story
6/25/2015 c1 list as complete
If you were a true author and not one just writing to be published, you would have th decency to tell people that you were not going to put the rest on here. You show what every creative and writer should not be, someone whose only goal to be published and has no decency ro their readers. Plagiarism is a terrible thing but having a reader read 60k without any inclination that you will never finish is cruel. You have a gift with a pen but what you put down is completely different. It'd a shame that you didn't have the common decency to tell the readers that you will never post the rest of the story here. You should perhaps post something like this is just a sample and you can purchase the rest at... I will never read anything that you write again and I hope that you get your goal of being published. Heck, you might already have. Goodluck in your career and I hope that you will get where you need to be.
If you were a true author and not one just writing to be published, you would have th decency to tell people that you were not going to put the rest on here. You show what every creative and writer should not be, someone whose only goal to be published and has no decency ro their readers. Plagiarism is a terrible thing but having a reader read 60k without any inclination that you will never finish is cruel. You have a gift with a pen but what you put down is completely different. It'd a shame that you didn't have the common decency to tell the readers that you will never post the rest of the story here. You should perhaps post something like this is just a sample and you can purchase the rest at... I will never read anything that you write again and I hope that you get your goal of being published. Heck, you might already have. Goodluck in your career and I hope that you will get where you need to be.
2/26/2015 c23
*sobs* Why would u do this to me?! I wanna continue reading! T.T Please repost it and I'm sry about the plagiarism situation, some people hv no shame! *sighs*

*sobs* Why would u do this to me?! I wanna continue reading! T.T Please repost it and I'm sry about the plagiarism situation, some people hv no shame! *sighs*
1/16/2015 c28 opera123
So after enjoying your story and getting hooked I am unable to finish reading it, not so great.
Hope you have a getter day then I am having
So after enjoying your story and getting hooked I am unable to finish reading it, not so great.
Hope you have a getter day then I am having
1/16/2015 c23 opera123
Just reading your story and sorry to hear about someone stealing your story.
I love reading your posted chapters and can only hope to read more.
Just reading your story and sorry to hear about someone stealing your story.
I love reading your posted chapters and can only hope to read more.
11/5/2014 c23 Anon
Agrees with Blueye57.
Chose to read it because I assumed high no. of reviews good story. Ha! Turns out it could also mean a high number of complaints.
Agrees with Blueye57.
Chose to read it because I assumed high no. of reviews good story. Ha! Turns out it could also mean a high number of complaints.
11/1/2014 c3 Anonymous
Good book
Good book