11/2/2009 c1 VampiresTears
I love the story thought i would want to scream if i was the point of view character and blow up the tower. I love the story though it make me feel abit sad. But then again that is a good trate of a story. Good job! Two thumbs up!
I love the story thought i would want to scream if i was the point of view character and blow up the tower. I love the story though it make me feel abit sad. But then again that is a good trate of a story. Good job! Two thumbs up!
10/25/2009 c1 1Banana Ham
What you've written here is pretty much a perfect example of what I LOVE to read. Energy expressed through words that builds and builds until BOOM!
It explodes. That's what I experienced in that last paragraph.
Amazing imagery, simply amazing. I feel obligated to look and see if you've written anything else.
What you've written here is pretty much a perfect example of what I LOVE to read. Energy expressed through words that builds and builds until BOOM!
It explodes. That's what I experienced in that last paragraph.
Amazing imagery, simply amazing. I feel obligated to look and see if you've written anything else.
10/20/2009 c1 Stanleylouis
This was wonderful. Really, you had me guessing the entire time. At first you had me thinking that it was a story about how ignorance was bliss, but then I got to the end and it completely shocked me, leaving me wondering. I won't say the ending for people reading this, :) but it was a very enjoyable piece to read.
This was wonderful. Really, you had me guessing the entire time. At first you had me thinking that it was a story about how ignorance was bliss, but then I got to the end and it completely shocked me, leaving me wondering. I won't say the ending for people reading this, :) but it was a very enjoyable piece to read.
10/18/2009 c1 WutNow
The summary caught my interest immediately- I thought it was beautifully thought out.
The only thing you might tweak is the following line: "Emily is peaceful now. She knowe her clock is ticking faster than everyone’s." You can probably say ticking faster than everyone elses, because the way you wrote it is everyone is. Just a comment
I was rooting for the character to stop one of the clocks, and became in awe when he couldn't achieve it. He was battlin God for crying out loud, and I loved how you portrayed life in this one shot. I thought that your idea was original. Fantastic job :)
P.S- if you have time, I would appreciate it if you would review the Second Chapter of my story. I would love to hear from you.
Keep writing :)
- Agent
The summary caught my interest immediately- I thought it was beautifully thought out.
The only thing you might tweak is the following line: "Emily is peaceful now. She knowe her clock is ticking faster than everyone’s." You can probably say ticking faster than everyone elses, because the way you wrote it is everyone is. Just a comment
I was rooting for the character to stop one of the clocks, and became in awe when he couldn't achieve it. He was battlin God for crying out loud, and I loved how you portrayed life in this one shot. I thought that your idea was original. Fantastic job :)
P.S- if you have time, I would appreciate it if you would review the Second Chapter of my story. I would love to hear from you.
Keep writing :)
- Agent