Just In
for Trainwreck

8/8/2018 c1 Name Nnc kuns
This story is really nice
9/18/2014 c34 A nobody
This is OMG tasting. Bye
10/29/2013 c9 Guest
The beginning was kinda like breakfast club.
9/30/2013 c33 Saloni
Aww! Awesome story!
8/5/2013 c33 Dominique Diane
I wrote the review in my iphone almost 5 days ago, took me 2 days to read it, and know in the computer was trying to search for it when the page refreshed and my one hundred review was erased. So the only thing I can say is that i loved the story, a lot. You are a fantastic writer that had me at the edge of my seat every single chapter.
8/3/2013 c11 1macy8
this is a great story
7/24/2013 c34 5U MadeMyLifeComplete
I read this story in practically a day and I loved it so incredibly much and whoa I can't believe she left Edward without telling him anything but I would probably do the same thing if I had that happen to me and I'm so happy Judd got a job and is at collage and it's just so perfect! I wish you did a sequal to this because it is that indescribably amazing!
U MadeMyLifeComplete by writing this story. It made me tear up a few times and also gave me butterflies occasionally. So moving and touching and just incredible!
7/23/2013 c35 tifflk
this was amazing. i feel like i was just taken on a journey! this has regain my faith in fictionpress and spelling mistakes and grammatical errors aside it was a very true to life story and i loved it! very well done.
7/22/2013 c35 7E.Nelson
I would like to know how to go about getting published and all that :) I know my aunt and uncle have published things and sold them through Amazon, but I'm not sure how well there things have sold, since there's was self published and all that. Also, how much does it cost to get your work copyrighted and how does one go about getting it done? (:
7/21/2013 c33 1LiexTruth
Hey. What happened to Edward? Did he, like, show up on the door-steps and was met with silence? o.0 I still love it!
7/21/2013 c32 LiexTruth
*hick, hick.* I'm sobbing! Sadie! Judd! Lovely story mate :D
7/19/2013 c34 7E.Nelson
Amazing story. I really enjoyed it.
Congratulations on publishing :)
7/18/2013 c8 E.Nelson
I'm hooked. That's all I have to say.
6/4/2013 c34 3Not So Lost Girl
Great story! I like how he calls her princess when the name Sadie actually means princess XD
4/27/2013 c1 1twiinklex
Greatly enjoyed this story and I love the idea, though the second half seemed rushed and the ending was unsatisfactory. I would have loved more details as well as more on other characters such as Tyler.
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