4/17/2012 c10 Little girl Big world
It is all about perspective and how you think about things. Glass half full :)
It is all about perspective and how you think about things. Glass half full :)
4/17/2012 c7 Little girl Big world
This was great, the idea that we kind of get lost when we start growing up. Nice!
This was great, the idea that we kind of get lost when we start growing up. Nice!
4/17/2012 c2 Little girl Big world
Excellent and a unique way of looking at things. I also love the quote at the bottom.
Excellent and a unique way of looking at things. I also love the quote at the bottom.
4/17/2012 c1 Little girl Big world
I think it is lovely. Simple but so wonderful and mind opening..wondering where the day could take you. Nice work!
I think it is lovely. Simple but so wonderful and mind opening..wondering where the day could take you. Nice work!