Just In
for I Wish I Was Your Favourite Girl

3/12/2015 c13 Guest
OMG! I absoutly loved this story! it was so cute. Maybe you could write a sequal or a romantic story about Dom? that would be amazing
1/16/2010 c13 Hanawie
Don't know why, but I somehow want Alice to go for Lance. Jay, for some reasons, I don't like. He seems to me to be a very wimpy (in Wolfram's way of speaking), or boring. There doesn't seem to be a lot of interesting progress. It all seems way too predictable.
12/22/2009 c13 5Devoted reader 12
aw! I just love this story! can't wait for more!
12/4/2009 c13 InsideMyRainbowEyes
omg! I lvoe this chapter so muhc its not even funny! You better add more soon!
11/29/2009 c13 6MelGrl
yay! they got together! :D
11/29/2009 c13 5franniefairy
Aww, this is cute as a puppy! i'm so glad they are together!
11/29/2009 c9 franniefairy
AWW. This is cute.
11/29/2009 c1 Mystery402
I read the first paragraph of your first chapter, and deduced:

Alice is a typical teenage girl, striving to change and present herself known to the world: 'lo and behold she happened to capture the attention of 'the most popular boys in high school'.

Reading further I was pleasantly..

not disappointed.

Alice became the most insufferable character I met; quite the attention whore. (excuse my language)

She comes off purposely 'stubborn', as alot of her personality seems to be forged by the 'boys' and her 'new look'.

I'm not sure if it's the way you write makes her come off this way, but it sure does.

Grammatically/Spelling wise though, the fiction is well written.
11/29/2009 c1 4ashalayy aka freddi d
ahaha i like this so far.
11/29/2009 c13 2HelgaBertoni
Loved it, update soon!
11/29/2009 c1 5franniefairy
This was a good first chapter. I like your writing style.
11/27/2009 c12 InsideMyRainbowEyes
OH! I am so happy! Finally he broke up with Gem shen is such and arse!
11/26/2009 c12 59builtonbones
I'm not sure why but I am hoping Lance and Alice get some romance. Yeah and the plot is just lovely, but the whole Jay in the hospital thing was sudden and a slight cliche. The whole suspence thing was kinda quick though too.
11/26/2009 c12 2kaylabrd
Aww... So cute.
11/26/2009 c12 2HelgaBertoni
Loved it, update soon!
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