Just In
for I Wish I Was Your Favourite Girl

11/6/2009 c2 oxsarahxo
i like this :)
11/6/2009 c2 1moonlitmidnight
Yay! I love it! And I'm glad she's falling for Jay instead of lance... that makes me happy :)


update soon!
11/6/2009 c2 2HelgaBertoni
Love it so far! It defintly seems more realilistic than most stores! Anyways keep up the good work and update soon!
11/5/2009 c1 3bloodyxnightmares
very interesting story you've begun. im curious to see what happens next.
11/4/2009 c1 2Joshwa
We know damn well that Jay Ewan is me. Swon
11/4/2009 c1 5starbance
like it so far, can't wait to see what happens,update soon!
11/4/2009 c1 1esmeralda123
really interesting start :)
11/4/2009 c1 1tina36
Lol Wow, alice is kinda funny in the i-didn't-mean-to kinda way!
11/4/2009 c1 3AbatedSerenity
Oh it sounds really good, hey he even sounds like the kind of guy I'd go for. I will be back.
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