Just In
for Speed Of Sound

7/29/2013 c31 the vcg
I loved this story!
11/9/2012 c31 brinalovesyouxx
Such a beautiful story! Gosh, after all that heartbreak, she finally got the man she loves and twins! Awesome story line, i look forward to reading more of your stories, keep up the awesome work! :D xx
10/26/2011 c31 ffh
adorable 3 despite my belife that women should be strong and most importantly independent, i got to say i loved it ! even if erica could't see it, damien's love was pretty obvious . i should really stop reasing stories like this one ! no real man can live up to my expectations anymore :S 3
9/10/2010 c2 2Oriana-Lian-Starchild
Nice I like happy endings
7/23/2010 c1 Daisuki212
I like this story. One question though, is english a second language for you?
7/22/2010 c4 MyNameIs-Madison
You use Am a lot and to me it just doesn't sound right , you should use I am or I'm.
7/19/2010 c30 taylor057
Your story was awesome, sad its done but thats ok b/c im going to read it from the start.
7/11/2010 c28 taylor057
I love this story was so excited to see you updated hope you update soon cant wait for the next chapter. and he loves her Big Smilie Face!
6/29/2010 c27 Lexxi Rose
so good! please update soon(:
6/21/2010 c26 Lexxi Rose
LOVE it! please update soon(:
3/26/2010 c18 Jester79
I'm really enjoying your story so far. I only have one comment and it's not to bad. 1) You might want to check a couple of places where your starting a scene and within the next two sentences your almost starting the same scene over, but with a little different action. Like where she's took his pants off and is looking at his boxers and then about 2 sentences later, she's removing his jeans & boxers at the same time. It's like you thought of a different way to do the scene and just forgot to delete the previous. Other than that, you do a good job of showing great chemistry between your characters. Keep up the good work.
3/24/2010 c12 4MiseryRevisited
I love this story. the only thing that i dislike is the grammar. I love the characters and the story line. but the grammar is very distracting.
3/19/2010 c16 3Fidelity394
I'm practically in love with your story. I wish Alex hadn't cheated on her and that they could be together but I love it that she and Damien are finally getting there... I can't wait to read more of your amazing story =]
3/15/2010 c14 taylor057
Was excited to see an update, cant belive she slept with him again but at least she ended it lets hope it stays thatway. please update again soon.
3/15/2010 c14 13Aaerie
wat an asshole even if this is all made up i still wanna bash him
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