Just In
for Anise

7/5/2015 c3 Guest
I'm afraid the mistakes are simply too much for me to handle. Apologies.
7/5/2015 c1 Guest
This certainly needs some editing. You got you're and your mixed up, and you need commas in certain spots. Little things like that. I like the premise, it's interesting. So I'll give it a go, and hopefully there aren't any more mistakes that bug me terribly.
4/12/2015 c32 1PenMasterEm
Hi there! I read both Anise and Scarlet Rose and I have to say that I loved both of them. If you're still looking for a Beta then I'd be happy to do it for you. I have some ideas that could make this story flow a little smoother. I noticed in the beginning chapters that the story were a little choppy and sporadic. Not overly so, but there is still some things that could be added to fill it in. Message me if you're interested and keep up with the great work! I look forward to reading some more of your stories.
9/24/2014 c29 4R. Ficst
I wish we got to experience Drustan's acclimation to present times more thoroughly, instead of just a summary. I had been looking forward to it.
12/21/2013 c32 4The Phoenix Girl
Such an amazing story! The summary didn't give it its right... Loved reading it :)
3/19/2013 c6 Guest
I don't blame her. I'd be seriously pissed, too. Needs some editing, by the way.
1/1/2013 c22 Not Impressed
11/10/2012 c32 meow
needed to hook Murrray up with Cameron's friend Diana!1
10/28/2012 c31 September Stone
I really enjoyed this story, read it all in one sitting. :D
9/24/2012 c31 nomoreupdates
Omg this story was fantastic. There WERE a lot of typos that could be fixed but the fact that the characters were so amazing and the plot was so good makes up for it. I actually FELL IN LOVE with Drustan!

I would love for a Diana/Murray sequel. I definitely felt some vibes from them.

All in all, well done. Definitely a fave for me :)
8/31/2012 c30 1boredstarburt
Sweet story. ]
8/20/2012 c1 AnonymousMoiselle
6/10/2012 c31 Rachlynn
Hello! I just finished your story. I loved it! I would absolutely love to see a story for Murray. You are a great writer and I am off to read more of your stories.
5/17/2012 c4 4AboutAs SubtleAs A FlyingBrick
Noticed that you were using Gaelic. Probably Scottish Gaelic, I think it's really cool. I'm from Ireland. And yeah it's awesome.
5/8/2012 c30 AtianaGray
Thanks so much for the story, I just read it in total yesterday night and I love it :D Will read it again ;)
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