Just In
for Anise

4/10/2012 c26 sappyromancelvr
You should definitely pot an epilogue. These two are awesome and I just can't get enough of them. :)
4/10/2012 c25 koyama

how can you stop this chapter at this point? you know for me this is a really bad cliffhanger (even if it isn't one, technically). so in short: a new chapter please! ^.^

bye bye

p.s. i really like your story so please finish it.
4/10/2012 c25 annevelyn
I love this story. Please update soon.
4/2/2012 c25 luvsAstrongHEROINE
surprised at the ending. great chapter.
4/2/2012 c25 sappyromancelvr
whoaaaa. can't wait until the next chapter!
3/20/2012 c24 15Nikkole15
Bah! I finally could get to it! Now on with the chapter. I can see where this was a filler chapter lol! Nothing wrong with that. Cameron told him that it would come to that once again, but of course do men ever listen, um, nope. I would like to believe that men got somewhat wiser with the centuries that have passed, but sadly they remain the same pin heads of those who lived 600 years ago. Lucky girls we are. Now all we need to do now is find a guy that has ripped hard abs and a nice kilt, we would be set!

Next chapter will be fairly interesting (I hope!) If not in the next then maybe chapter 26. Well, I guess I will wait until the REAL drama unfolds. And I will be back! Love the update, thank you!

Cheers to pigheaded men!
3/14/2012 c23 anewclassic
well, that was mature.
3/14/2012 c23 Nikkole15
How depressing...Kind of can feel her emotions in the end. I want to mope for her! Cameron isn't a horrible character by any means, don't get me wrong, but she acts like a little pre-teen there saying she won't love him again. I understand it's just the anger and raw emotions she's feeling. I'm pretty excited to see what you have going in the future chapter for the battle. Maybe she will go and follow him and stop him. Or maybe she will save him from a fatal blow with her own life, which will in turn send her back to her time! Oh man, the possibilites are indeed endless. I wait in anticipation for your next update. It will be a very good update I am sure! Thank you for the good read for the night! Sending inspiration your way! Happy writing!
3/14/2012 c23 sappyromancelvr
Talk about bad timing...
3/11/2012 c22 in.needofa.name
Well this is a basically one big review for all of the chapters thus far, and man am I in love with this story!

I'm not usually into the whole time travel/reincarnated lover type of story, but I am really into this particular story for whatever reason.

It is written very well, and overall I just find it to be a great piece of work.

I'm looking forward to the next update :)
2/1/2012 c2 serahei
Hahaha.. "Oh my God, I've been cursed"

That was hilarious.
1/17/2012 c21 sappyromancelvr
Nice to see Cameron and Drustun become closer. I wonder, has Cameron maybe taken self defense classes in her world? Maybe then she wouldn't be so afraid...but then again, who wouldn't be afraid of someone coming after them with a sword...

Can't wait til the next chapter!
1/14/2012 c20 sappyromancelvr
Totally love this story. Can't for the next update! :)
1/14/2012 c16 sappyromancelvr
It's hard to find a man who is so utterly devoted to his woman. Lol.
1/14/2012 c14 sappyromancelvr
Haha. They finally getting some of each other. ;)
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