Just In
for Anise

1/14/2012 c13 sappyromancelvr
Although cameron seems to complain a lot, I guess its something that we don't really understand. After all, which one of us has actually experience such a phenomenon?
1/14/2012 c12 sappyromancelvr
Wooo. Witches are pretty awesome.
1/14/2012 c7 sappyromancelvr
Haha. I loved when she said "half the time the woman says jump and the man does it." lol.
1/14/2012 c6 sappyromancelvr
Dang. That's the thing about reincarnations. They are the same, but different.
1/14/2012 c5 sappyromancelvr
Wow. This story really deserves more reviews. The eternal love and soulmates is something that is truly romantic. :)
1/14/2012 c3 sappyromancelvr
I love Drustan's point of view. He's such a gentleman. :)
12/5/2011 c20 broken-pixie
It just keeps getting better and better with each chapter :) More, please!
9/15/2011 c17 broken-pixie
One of your best chapters yet. Loved it! :)
8/24/2011 c1 Kentcharm
Love the story so far, but can't stand Camaron. Why is she so anti psychic stuff? I feel like she is personally insulting me! Hope she gets better. Wish Diane was the main character lol.
6/8/2011 c16 1FaydrasRose
Thank you for the update especially with all the craziness going on in your life. I am really enjoying the story and look forward to some added drama. You can't have a really good romance without drama for the couple. Can't wait for the next update!
5/1/2011 c2 anonypie
So I'm just on chapter 2 but I just had to review and let you know that I love this so much already and am surprised at the small amount of reviews. Don't stop! Marvelous story! :)
4/17/2011 c14 GrownFLgurl
Thanks for the update, so soon. I am really looking forward to more of your story. Give in Cameron! Give in!

4/17/2011 c14 FaydrasRose
Yay for an update so soon after the other! I really liked this chapter and I can definitely empathize with Cameron. Drustan is so swoon-worthy and I can see how Cameron is so drawn to him. Can't wait for the next chapter and watch the progression of Cameron and Drustan's relationship. Will be eagerly awaiting the next chapter!
4/11/2011 c13 broken-pixie
Yay, it's so good to see you back! :) Really good chapter ^_^ I hope that there will be more, soon(ish?).
3/21/2011 c13 Lucasta
I hope things are better or at least bearable for you now. I have found your story recently and it is excellent.
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