Just In
for Anise

3/11/2010 c11 broken-pixie
Good chapter. eep up the good work :)
2/15/2010 c10 MidnightRythm1990
This is good.

Your scottish accents are awesome btw.
2/7/2010 c10 lionandthelamblove7
I loved it!

Ha. If I were Camaron and I had to ride along on the horse, holding my bathroom break until I got to the castle I think I'd get a little pissed too. lol.

But if I were in the same boat Drustan were in I think I'd gt annoyed too. hehe.

I loved this chapter and cannot wait until you update!

2/6/2010 c10 1HisFiestyBeauty
I love this story! It is really great! I can not wait to read more chapters!
2/5/2010 c10 XxSpiceyXWallFlowerxX
can't wait for more!
2/1/2010 c9 MidnightRythm1990
awe so cute! I cannot waite for more!

and you do very well with the speech.
1/27/2010 c9 lionandthelamblove7
Drustan seems hott! wow. I want me a Drustan! haha. Love this story! Can't wait until you update! I wonder if they'll find a way for her to get back. Hmm...can't wait!

1/26/2010 c9 broken-pixie
Awesome chapter. Loved it! I can't wait to see what happens next.
1/7/2010 c7 MidnightRythm1990
i love this story so much. I've been laptopless and when i saw this email whne i got access to one i almost cried because i couldn't read! But alas now i have and it's awesome
1/7/2010 c7 KillaCupcakes
I'm totally into this story. Screw historical accuracy and whatnot. If I were in Camaron's position, I'd definitely go along with Drustan thinking I'm his dead lover. He sounds dreamy. Anyway, I hope you keep the updates coming. I'll keep reading.
1/1/2010 c6 1Put some pork on yer fork
Great story.

I demand a an update!
1/1/2010 c6 cytl101

that has got to hurt

I do think that's a good thing to get clear though...

great job :)
12/23/2009 c6 broken-pixie
Awesome chapter.
12/18/2009 c5 Sam
Fabulous! Please up-date soon!
12/13/2009 c5 MidnightRythm1990
Oh ho I love it! Please update soon C=

Happy Holidays if not!
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