Just In
for Shattered Dreams

8/11/2011 c35 KristenWenst68
aww such a sweet chapter! I cried when her dad and Eloise cried! please updaye soon!
8/11/2011 c35 5TMi The Dork in the Corner
awwww! I really like this story, its so adorable and makes me wanna cry! which i do a lot when i read. I'm a sucker for touchy feely stuff. :) i'm so glad she found her dad, and I hope she gets with Jared soon. they really need to get together! I can't wait to see the rest. i will look at your other stories till then. :)
8/11/2011 c35 112SmashedIce.X
In response to your review reply: Thank you, and I listen to the Wicked soundtrack a lot too!

Wow, is this nearly the end? I have loved reading this story, you're such a good writer. It's so great that Eloise's dad remembered about the song! :)
8/11/2011 c35 Kelly Rogala
Awwwwwwee I hope her dad remembers everything! Im sad that this is almost over :-(
8/11/2011 c34 SmashedIce.X
That is just heartbreaking, to think that he doesn't even remember Eloise. Oh gosh, that's just so sad.

I haven't seen that film actually, so it's not really a spoiler for me!

I always enjoy reading what you write, you seem to get it right every time with your characters, Eloise and Jared still appear to be close after the time apart so I think they would act they way they did. :)
8/11/2011 c34 Kelly Rogala
They are not too lovey dovey at all. They have a past and its easy to fall back into what was. I can't wait for the next chapter!
8/11/2011 c34 41chewychester
Interesting chapter title. I liked things from Eloises point of view.
8/10/2011 c34 6EmmaWoodhouse88
I think for they're relationship, they had a good amount of lovey doveyness even if it had been months since they had seen eachother. I love this chapter, even if it is sad that he doesn't remember her. I can't wait to see what happens next!
8/10/2011 c34 Distracted Procrastination
I think their interaction was fine the way you have. A little bit of awkwardness, a little hurt, a little comfort...
8/10/2011 c33 Guest
Blimey, a year has gone by? It was good to read about how Eloise has moved on with her life, it sounds pretty good now! Can't wait to read the next chapter with her father! :)
8/10/2011 c33 Ellybeth
Awesome Thnk you!
8/10/2011 c33 Kelly Rogala
Wow way to leave us all hanging lol. This guy better have some excellent reasons and i for one cannot think of a single good one. Can't wait for the next chapter!
8/9/2011 c33 6Drips of Blue-Green Turpentine
So she isn't going to end up with Jared? If you say the story would have ended with the trial if it weren't for her dad...
8/9/2011 c33 4Frozen Doll
WHAT! YOU CANT LEAVE IT LIKE THAT! It was good. Im glad to hear she got her life back in order... but that ending, ooooh... Not nice! Whats going to happen next? And are her and Jared back together? What happened to his girlfriend? So many questions... LONG next chapter?
8/9/2011 c33 KristenWenst68
great ch!
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