Just In
for Shattered Dreams

9/29/2010 c24 3pandorka42
UGH! I keep getting a bad feeling about what's happening between Eloise and Jared. It definitely seems like Eloise is becoming more independent and doesn't really need him anymore, but I get the feeling there will be a point where she doesn't know whether she wants him either. Gah.

I love Eloise, by the way.

9/29/2010 c24 mysteriousworksforme
Well, I absolutely love this story. (:

And this chapter. You're not vain, just enjoying a great piece of writing (;
9/29/2010 c24 7Tabby24
I think the story as a whole is my favorite ! But I do really like when Jared and Eloise are together !

And DONT look it over now because you have chapters to be written, but thereare quite a few mistakes in here! I don't remember them all but I know one was the improper use of "than". HOW COULD YOU? ;)

anyway I loved it! I'm kinda sad that it's nearing the end! :/. But I trust that you'll update your other stories, and MAKE some more! Okay. It's 4 in the morning! Do you see what you do? ( although I only woke up about 3:30 ish. Maybe earlier cause I was day-night- dreaming ! Lol back to bed!

Update soon ! Or else! Dun dun dun dun.

9/28/2010 c24 2iamisabeljane
Aw Mone! She's gonna get her brothers back!
9/28/2010 c24 a.h.rose
Well, I feel sad for Mone, but I guess she doesn't realize that the people that will adopt her brothers will give them security and love. She should feel happy for them.

YES! They are FINALLY an 'item' now! haha

Very cute.

Great chapter! I can't wait for the next update!
9/27/2010 c23 112SmashedIce.X
Aww, nice chapter! It's so nice to read that Mone and Eloise are happy! :)
9/27/2010 c23 6EmmaWoodhouse88
Yay! She let him kiss her! lol. And she's actually in the world now. This is so good! I can't wait to see what happensnext!
9/27/2010 c23 12Raised with Fangs
9/27/2010 c23 Fflover44
Its good that you are starting to update fast again... although i keep wondering about the events involving Troy and her court case.

The Fanfictionlover
9/26/2010 c23 41chewychester
More of James? Are you trying to make Jared jealous? Now,now ;)
9/26/2010 c23 2iamisabeljane
That 1st job interview lady was so mean! I hate her! But the other dude was cool. And I did like the end. :D Update soon!
9/26/2010 c23 a.h.rose
Yes! A full out kiss! ...finally. haha jk jk

Great chapter! Yay! Eloise got a job! It's amazing we can find happiness in the little things in life.

Update soon~!
9/26/2010 c23 1I'm Truly Clueless
:O YES finally! We have a proper kiss! Oh YEAH!

I love you :D honestly, I do.

Can't wait for your next update!
yah! This chapter made me smile :)
9/25/2010 c22 112SmashedIce.X
Good chapter, it's great to read that Eloise has finally realised that she doesn't need Jared for everything. :)
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